OCPB agenda 090215
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 090215
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3/7/2018 4:08:53 PM
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3/7/2018 4:06:32 PM
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OCPB minutes 090215
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2015
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5. A Planning Board member asked if additional dwelling units could be added in the future. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The plan could be modified through the submittal and <br />processing of a new Conditional Zoning District petition. This would mean the <br />holding of a new neighborhood information meeting and a public hearing to review <br />the proposal. <br />6. A BOCC member asked if the applicant was being asked to extend road access to <br />adjacent parcels. <br />STAFF COMMENT: It is not practical to extend the proposed roadway to the east <br />due to the presence of streams and floodplain. There is no perceived benefit in <br />requiring connection with adjoining subdivisions as this could create traffic <br />concerns for adjacent neighborhoods. <br />7. A BOCC member asked the applicant to provide additional detail on the proposed 6 inch <br />water line serving the project and if the line would be adequate to support water for both <br />consumption and firefighting capabilities. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 2 of the abstract for the <br />applicant’s response. <br />In consultation with the Fire Marshal and Orange County Emergency Services <br />staff is recommending a condition requiring the final size of required waterlines to <br />be determined at time of permitting with the review and approval of the Orange <br />County Fire Marshal. <br />8. Several BOCC members asked for clarification on the proposed septic system for the <br />project. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 2 of the abstract for the <br />applicant’s response. <br />9. Planning staff indicated the applicant was asked to provide additional detail on proposed <br />landscaping in and around individual residential structures. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 2 of the abstract for the <br />applicant’s response. <br /> <br />At the July 1, 2015 Planning Board meeting the following additional information was requested: <br /> <br />a. A Planning Board member asked if there were any marketing materials available <br />for the project and, if so, if copies could be provided. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 3 of the abstract for the <br />applicant’s response. <br />b. Several Planning Board members asked if the applicant was going to allow for the <br />creation of recreational amenities/land uses on the property. There was a concern <br />expressed over requiring the applicant to come back through the process to <br />amend the approved Conditional Zoning district to add a recreational amenity. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The site plan has been modified to include identified <br />recreation areas. <br />The proposed development conditions contained in Attachment 5 have also <br />been modified to spell out permitted recreational amenities for residents. <br />14
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