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resident fail to observe this public charge, the Chair will ask the offending member to 55 <br />leave the meeting until that individual regains personal control. Should decorum rail to be 56 <br />restored, the Chair will recess the meeting until such time that a genuine commitment to 57 <br />this public charge is observed. 58 <br /> 59 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6: CHAIR COMMENTS 60 <br /> 61 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: I want to reemphasize that we need to be careful with emails. We shouldn’t be expressing 62 <br />opinions or views through email. That should be done at a public meeting. 63 <br /> 64 AGENDA ITEM 7: COMMITTEE/ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS 65 A. Board of Adjustment 66 <br />None 67 <br /> 68 B. Orange County Transportation 69 <br />None 70 <br /> 71 <br />AGENDA ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT 72 <br />11