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The applicant will be required to submit additional detail, with respect to the anticipated <br />stormwater management plan, as part of the Preliminary Plat application package for review and <br />comment. <br /> <br />Open Space: The plan denotes the maintenance of a 30-foot natural buffer along Erwin Road and <br />Whitfield Road as well as the preservation of existing vegetation around the perimeter of the project <br />as part of the proposed open space plan. Existing streams shall be buffered in accordance with <br />County stream buffer regulations. The applicant is also proposing a 100-foot building setback along <br />the perimeter of the project. <br /> <br />The total area reserved as common open space is approximately 21.21 acres (44% of the site). This <br />open space is a mixture of Primary Open Space (e.g. jurisdictional streams and steep slopes); and <br />Secondary Open Space (e.g. landscaped entry areas, amenities, perimeter areas and the pond). <br /> <br />The proposed open space is composed of fields and forested areas with existing, mature, vegetation <br />and trees with an approximate height of between 50 to 80 feet. All 19 lots are adjacent and have <br />access to some portion of an open space area. <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT – OPEN SPACE: Staff has determined the proposed open space and land <br />use buffers meet the requirements of the UDO. <br /> <br />Land Use Buffer: As previously indicated the concept plan indicates there will be a 30-foot Type B <br />land use buffer along Erwin Road and Whitfield Road. The buffers are comprised of existing, dense, <br />vegetation composed of existing, mature, shrubs and trees with an approximate height of between <br />50 to 70 feet. <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT – LAND USE BUFFER: Section 6.8.6 (D) of the UDO requires that this <br />project maintain a thirty (30) foot land use buffer separating the project from adjacent roadways. <br />Staff has determined the proposed open space and land use buffers meet the requirements of <br />the UDO. <br /> <br />Staff Generated Correspondence: Attachment 4 contains staff comments for this project as of <br />the date of abstract preparation. <br /> <br />Public Notification: Section 2.15.2 (D) of the UDO requires that each property owner within <br />500 feet be notified by regular mail of the Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM). Staff <br />mailed out letters on March 20, 2015 to the property owners within 500 feet of the property <br />concerning the April 7, 2015 NIM. Please refer to Attachment 3 for additional information on <br />the NIM. <br /> <br />JPA Review: In accordance with the Joint Planning Area Agreement, this project was sent to <br />the Town of Chapel Hill for review and comment on April 20, 2015. To date, Staff has not <br />received any comments. <br /> <br />Analysis: As required under Section 2.15.2 (E) of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: <br />‘prepare and submit a recommendation’ on the concept plan to the Planning Board for <br />consideration. In analyzing this request, the Planning Director offers the following: <br />1. The application has been deemed complete in accordance with the requirements of <br />Section 2.2 and 2.15.2 of the UDO. <br />9