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development standards are also proposed in order to minimize any adverse impacts <br />on adjoining and nearby properties. The ASE program within the Rural Buffer land <br />use classification will potentially allow for development of more agriculturally-related <br />uses in the geographic area of the county designated “Rural Buffer” by utilizing a new <br />conditional zoning district (ASE-CZ) and by expanding agriculturally-related uses in <br />the Rural Buffer general use zoning district. <br /> <br />2. Analysis <br />Readers are encouraged to also view the companion Amendment Outline Form for <br />“Agricultural Support Enterprises Outside of the Rural Buffer Land Use Classification” <br />to gain more information about the entire ASE program (available as part of item #5-a <br />on the May 20, 2014 BOCC <br />agenda: <br /> <br />Because a text amendment to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and <br />Agreement is necessary in order to apply the ASE program to the Rural Buffer, this <br />Comprehensive Plan/UDO text amendment was proposed separately from the <br />companion text amendment which applied to the County’s planning jurisdiction that is <br />not designated “Rural Buffer.” The required amendments to the Joint Planning Area <br />documents were heard at the March 27, 2014 joint planning public hearing and <br />processing the proposed amendments is nearing completion with the BOCC <br />scheduled to reconsider the amendments at its April 7, 2015 meeting (the BOCC <br />previously approved the amendments to the JPA documents at its June 3, 2014 <br />meeting; the reconsideration is to review the changes requested by the Towns of <br />Carrboro and Chapel Hill). <br /> <br />The ASE concept, as it pertains to the Rural Buffer, was discussed at the November <br />21, 2013 Assembly of Government meeting. Meeting materials are available <br />at: <br /> <br />As required under Section 2.8.5 of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: <br />‘cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based upon that analysis, <br />prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of <br />County Commissioners’. The following information is offered: <br /> <br />The Rural Buffer is a geographic area of the county, under Orange County’s planning <br />jurisdiction, that is also part of the Joint Planning Area (JPA) Agreement which is an <br />agreement between Orange County and the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro <br />(see for links to JPA <br />documents and maps). Agricultural uses are located in the Rural Buffer and <br />“Agriculture,” as a type of use, was “folded” in to the Rural Buffer land use category in <br />the JPA Land Use Plan when the plan was developed/adopted. The Rural Buffer is <br />“further defined as being a low-density area consisting of single-family homes <br />situated on large lots having a minimum size of two (2) acres.” Changes were made <br />to the JPA documents in 2014 to clarify that agricultural uses exempt from zoning <br />regulations are allowed in the Rural Buffer. The anticipated changes to the JPA <br />documents will make it clear that appropriate uses that support agriculture are <br />allowable, or potentially allowable (in the case of utilizing a conditional zoning <br />2 <br /> <br />12