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D R A F T <br />6 <br />Paul Guthrie: It seems to me that if this process will work at all, this Board may have a bigger responsibility because <br />we have one shot to raise the critical questions that need to be considered in the decisions and that doesn’t happen <br />in the joint session now where we sit there and listen to something until 11 o’clock at night and then by the time it’s <br />over we can’t even remember what the questions are that you really think need to be considered. I think we have an <br />obligation if this becomes practice to think through how we communicate through staff to the Board of County <br />Commissioners on issues that need to be dealt with by the Commissioners at the time of testimony. The Boards that <br />I have seen operate in this County only occasionally rise to that level. The staff rises to it but I’m not sure the boards <br />do and we need to think about that as a Board. <br /> <br />Perdita Holtz: Probably what will happen is that the Planning Board minutes will become part of that public hearing <br />packet. <br /> <br />Craig Benedict: We would accent anything different that occurred in the application from the original material. We do <br />accent any new information, any change in information that has occurred from the original application and evidentiary <br />material that comes forward. <br /> <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Ok, so the action for tonight is? <br /> <br />Perdita Holtz: Is there consensus that this flowchart captured the quasi-judicial discussion. <br /> <br />MOTION by Paul Guthrie that the flowchart captured the Planning Board discussion of the quasi-judicial process. <br />Seconded by Buddy Hartley. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />Lydia Wegman: Let me clarify. I am voting to say the flowchart captures what we’ve talked about, I am not saying I <br />agree with it just to be clear. <br /> <br /> AGENDA ITEM 9: COMMITTEE/ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS: <br />a. Board of Adjustment <br /> <br /> <br />AGENDA ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT: <br />MOTION by Bryant Warren to adjourn. Seconded by Tony Blake. VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />14