OCPB agenda 120314
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 120314
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Last modified
3/7/2018 3:35:03 PM
Creation date
3/7/2018 3:33:38 PM
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OCPB minutes 120314
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D R A F T <br />5 <br /> 217 <br />Perdita Holtz: We were kind of looking at it as the Planning Board meeting would be the prelude to the public 218 <br />hearing. 219 <br /> 220 <br />Tony Blake: They are involved by the applicant. You are making the distinction that these are not text amendments. 221 <br />The Neighborhood Information Meeting is more important for something like this that is not a text amendment than a 222 <br />Special Use Permit. 223 <br /> 224 <br />Perdita Holtz: The whole point of having the Neighborhood Information Meeting for the Special Use Permit is so 225 <br />people can understand that is a very special process and that you will have to hire experts to represent you. 226 <br /> 227 <br />Tony Blake: A concrete example is the Mountains to Sea Trail. I would think that sort of process would be valuable 228 <br />there. 229 <br /> 230 <br />Perdita Holtz: I think that DEAPR is holding meetings on the Mountains to Sea Trail. 231 <br /> 232 <br />Tony Blake: I am getting pounded by this new gas pipeline. 233 <br /> 234 <br />Michael Harvey: The BOA held a public hearing on the gas line proposal which was advertised and notifications 235 <br />were sent. We were on tenuous ground as to whether the hearing was required but we had the hearing and went 236 <br />through the process. 237 <br /> 238 <br />Bonnie Hammersley: I met with PSNC’s representatives with the Chair and Vice Chair and how we can inform 239 <br />people better about those issues. 240 <br /> 241 <br />Paul Guthrie: Having managed the acquisition of trails for snow mobiles and hiking, etc. in Wisconsin I can tell you 242 <br />that it would be good to keep a master file of all communications that come in whether the are timely or not for 243 <br />information. 244 <br /> 245 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Going back to the discussion of the suggestion to change our process, if it’s related to the change, 246 <br />now is the time. Perdita, do you need a vote or consensus? 247 <br /> 248 <br />Perdita Holtz: For a consensus that says this flowchart captures the discussion at last month’s Planning Board 249 <br />meeting. 250 <br /> 251 <br />Laura Nicholson: I like the flowchart and I think it does capture what we have been talking about. When you get to 252 <br />the last bubble it gets wordy. It says Planning Board members would be encouraged to attend, could we say 253 <br />expected to attend so it sounds more like we care about being there. 254 <br /> 255 <br />Lisa Stuckey: In the description of the Planning Board’s responsibilities and what people see when they are thinking 256 <br />about applying to the Planning Board, it doesn’t mention the quarterly public hearings, it mentions only the monthly 257 <br />meetings. 258 <br /> 259 <br />Laura Nicholson: I agree. If it is in there as an expectation then the idea is that you should know that upfront. 260 <br /> 261 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Now there is a quarterly public hearing, people have been making comments at our meeting, the 262 <br />process hasn’t been explained to them, we are expanding the number of times a person can comment from only the 263 <br />quarterly public hearing to our meeting in a more formalized way, the public hearing, they have another chance to 264 <br />speak. We are expanding the number of times people can speak; do you think it will slow the process? 265 <br /> 266 <br />Perdita Holtz: On controversial items, possibly. 267 <br /> 268 <br />Buddy Hartley: I like the setup. It does do what we have talked about for years. 269 <br /> 270 <br />9
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