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Herman Staats: My own personal feeling about making a recommendation is what I said earlier, if you have 913 <br />opportunity for public input but no one comes then yes we can make recommendations based on the written 914 <br />guidelines but you still don’t have public input. So the whole goal of us discussing this tonight was to increase and 915 <br />have a better access to public input but if they don’t come then we’re not increasing public input. I thought this whole 916 <br />process came up of how do we get more feedback from the public and how do we get them involved. 917 <br /> 918 <br />Perdita Holtz: That’s one part of it. 919 <br /> 920 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: Right now, I’m going to go with leaving things the way they are right now. 921 <br /> 922 <br />Perdita Holtz: Increasing the public involvement, that’s certainly one part of it Herman, about increasing the public 923 <br />involvement however, the increasing of public involvement is really pertinent to quasi-judicial matters and so I am 924 <br />trying to nail down more of what you are all thinking about the legislative matters and we’re going to have to tackle 925 <br />quasi-judicial at some other time. 926 <br /> 927 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Yes, I agree, just talking legislative and I think I agree with Herman that if we can make a 928 <br />recommendation or decision, we will but there may be circumstances where we just can’t. 929 <br /> 930 <br />Michael Harvey: Is the concern that not enough citizens are interested in showing up and you’re going to make a 931 <br />recommendation in a vacuum. 932 <br /> 933 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: No, if nobody shows up and they have met all the requirements for what they are trying to do and it 934 <br />meets the UDO, I say we make a decision and say yes, we’re all for this. I think the times where we wouldn’t make a 935 <br />decision would be like the solar array. 936 <br /> 937 <br />Paul Guthrie: It’s not judicial, we’re not encumbered on that solution that we have something, nobody shows up, we 938 <br />have a question about it, we could send that to the Commissioners and it could be incorporated in the call for the 939 <br />public hearing. 940 <br /> 941 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Yes, all that is possible and again it’s part of being an advisory board there 942 <br /> 943 <br />Tony Blake: Let me just suggest just opposing the whole thing for just a second here. Why not add, and I think other 944 <br />boards have this thing that they have sort of a County Commissioner liaison. Why not require that liaison to be here 945 <br />for quasi-judicial, no quasi-judicial right? Then they can carry that feedback back to the other County 946 <br />Commissioners. 947 <br /> 948 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: We’re going to stick with the legislative, quasi-judicial is a very strict process. 949 <br /> 950 <br />Perdita Holtz: There are reasons there’s not a BOCC liaison for the Planning Board and I don’t think there is going to 951 <br />be. 952 <br /> 953 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: I think the changes we’re talking about is we have the 45 days, we’re just saying let the public 954 <br />come and present input either in writing or verbally at the Planning Board meeting that’s part of the notification they 955 <br />get. We will discuss it there will be times when we can make a recommendation and there will be times when we’ll 956 <br />just throw our hands up and there will probably be times when we go, we don’t really want to get near this thing and 957 <br />we kick it back to the Commissioners. 958 <br /> 959 <br />Paul Guthrie: Would that be mandatory or just advisory? Could we simply say you may wish to come to a Planning 960 <br />Board meeting prior to the public hearing? 961 <br /> 962 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Yes, but part of this is to explain the process, is that exact language. You’re not required but if you 963 <br />care to this is great as it gives us better input sooner, the Commissioners read your feedback before the quarterly 964 <br />public hearing. That explanation should enough to let a citizen realize how the process works. 965 <br /> 966 <br />36