OCPB agenda 110514
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 110514
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3/7/2018 3:33:30 PM
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3/7/2018 3:31:10 PM
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OCPB minutes 110514
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meeting where the Planning Board has a quorum versus requiring Planning Board members to attend and if you 753 <br />have bad attendance then the Commissioners can do something about it, like say thank you for your service but 754 <br />you’re not cutting it. We’re going to be there and we’re going to hear the public hearing input. The commissioners 755 <br />certainly have the ability while we’re there, even if it’s not a joint meeting, to ask if there are any comments from the 756 <br />Planning Board. It’s well within their purview so I just don’t see that dropping the official joint with a quorum 757 <br />requirement, I don’t think that will change the process a whole lot. What it will do is not hold up a meeting where you 758 <br />have 100 citizens there. 759 <br /> 760 <br />Craig Benedict: From what I’m hearing from the discussion, there seems to be somewhat of a role of the Board in a 761 <br />differentiation between how they act on a legislative matter, where they can hear opinions left and right, they can 762 <br />hear the community and they can see the site versus the quasi-judicial nature where your role is more structured. 763 <br />Not that we are making any determinations tonight, but maybe when we do this interim report, maybe there are two 764 <br />different processes that we follow for legislative matters versus a quasi-judicial and right now they’re clustered 765 <br />together and maybe we should take a look at the role of the Board on a legislative matter and how we get input 766 <br />versus a quasi-judicial matter follow a different tract. Does that sound reasonable? 767 <br /> 768 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: In general, what I’m hearing, and I realize there is variation everywhere, is everybody agrees there 769 <br />is great value in having the Planning Board at the quarterly public hearing. The challenge is if you don’t have a 770 <br />quorum, we don’t want that to derail anything. I am also hearing people are happy with this concept that the Planning 771 <br />Board can take citizen input so we can get that sooner and hopefully that combined with the 45 days will just make 772 <br />everything go better. Most of what we’ve been talking about is for the legislative processes which are 88% of the 773 <br />time. The quasi-judicial is a different process and we need to work on knowing what our role is in that. That may be 774 <br />something staff and the attorney can work on to educate us on that a little bit better but again 88% of the time it is 775 <br />legislative and it would be great to also notify all Planning Board member of any neighborhood information meeting 776 <br />that is going on so we have a chance to get out there and see what is going on. Those are the main points I’m 777 <br />pulling out. Is there anything major anyone can think of? 778 <br /> 779 <br />Laura Nicholson: So, is the idea that we will have quorum and we’ll all just internally say we are going to be better 780 <br />about getting quorum or was there some barrier that maybe some of us that are new don’t understand why we 781 <br />couldn’t get a quorum before? 782 <br /> 783 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: My personal opinion is to drop the quorum requirement because we’ve blown it two or three times 784 <br />and if we blow it one more time, it is just, it’s getting to the point it’s not excusable and that’s also based on the fact 785 <br />that if we can just impress upon people how important it is to be there, it’s not clear what the quorum is doing and the 786 <br />Commissioners can still ask Planning Board members who are present for comments and input. 787 <br /> 788 <br />Laura Nicholson: It’s just funny that you’re saying we need to make sure that we all know that it’s really important to 789 <br />be there but it’s not a requirement. If it’s really important to be there it should be a requirement. 790 <br /> 791 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: It should but then when you don’t have it, we were lucky that we had only a 30 minute delay. What 792 <br />would happen if you had a meeting and you didn’t have quorum and you tell all these people I’m sorry we just don’t 793 <br />have the people, we’ll try this again in three months. 794 <br /> 795 <br />Laura Nicholson: I agree I just don’t see how we can’t have a quorum. 796 <br /> 797 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Why don’t we ask staff, what’s the problem? Do we know why people haven’t shown up? What’s 798 <br />been the issue? 799 <br /> 800 <br />Perdita Holtz: I think it just depends on the personalities that you have on the Board. How seriously people take their 801 <br />position. 802 <br /> 803 <br />Tina Love: There has never been a time when staff went to the meeting without a quorum. I have never left work at 804 <br />the end of the day that staff didn’t have a quorum. If I haven’t heard from you, I get on the phone and I call you and I 805 <br />keep on calling until I reach you, and I’m sorry about that, but we have to ensure there is a quorum. Then staff gets 806 <br />33
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