OCPB agenda 110514
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 110514
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Last modified
3/7/2018 3:33:30 PM
Creation date
3/7/2018 3:31:10 PM
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OCPB minutes 110514
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appointment to the Chapel Hill Planning Board, from the area in which I live in, and the first thing that happened, it 699 <br />happened to be me as the nominee, and the first thing that happened was Chapel Hill Planning Board and the 700 <br />Council decided to eliminate that position so I think that we need to talk about those fringe areas that are in the 701 <br />extraterritorial jurisdiction and see if we can get the process working there too. I’m in the southeast corner of the 702 <br />County and it is going to be one of the big growth areas in a very small area over the next few years, I’m afraid, and 703 <br />there is a lot going on but you usually have to read about it in the newspaper to find out about it. 704 <br /> 705 <br />Perdita Holtz: So you’re suggesting that we work with Chapel Hill Planning’s Department for them to overhaul their 706 <br />practices on how they notify? 707 <br /> 708 <br />Paul Guthrie: No, I’m just saying it would be nice to know when those things are going on or how many newspapers I 709 <br />need to subscribe to. 710 <br /> 711 <br />Perdita Holtz: It’s Chapel Hill’s planning jurisdiction and we don’t necessarily always know what is going on. 712 <br /> 713 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: I think the key thing is, you being in Chapel Hill, if there’s any neighborhood information meetings, 714 <br />you’ll find out about it in the County because Michael’s suggestion was right on the money. It’s easy to implement 715 <br />and everybody’s informed. 716 <br /> 717 <br />Buddy Hartley: I feel like the process we have now is working. The question is can we get a quorum at the public 718 <br />hearing. That’s the question. The process is working, staff is doing their job. Staff is giving us the information for 719 <br />whatever is taking place and we are recommending to the Board of County Commissioners, whether they like our 720 <br />recommendation or not, they do what they want to do. So, I do like the fact of possibly having the public being able 721 <br />to come to us before the public hearing but then the question is are we going to have a quorum at the public hearing. 722 <br />I don’t see a big problem with that we just need to let staff know in advance if we cannot make that meeting so they 723 <br />know. We should be able to get a quorum at the public hearing. 724 <br /> 725 <br />Perdita Holtz: Well it’s really far in advance because the legal ad gets published and notices get sent out, the legal 726 <br />ad is due to the paper like three weeks before the public hearing. 727 <br /> 728 <br />Buddy Hartley: So we want to be able to have a quorum at the public hearing, we either do or we don’t. 729 <br /> 730 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Aside from the time somebody was late, and I was one of them one time, it’s been very close. There 731 <br />were other meetings, I can think of two others, maybe three, where we were waiting for people to come. 732 <br /> 733 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: But I usually get an email and if not an email somebody calls. Does not everybody get that same 734 <br />thing as a reminder? 735 <br /> 736 <br />Perdita Holtz: Yes, Tina sends out emails asking about quorum. 737 <br /> 738 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: I have it on my calendar but when I get the email I remember, that’s right I do have a public 739 <br />hearing. 740 <br /> 741 <br />Buddy Hartley: And she does call. 742 <br /> 743 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: Yes, if she doesn’t hear from me, she’ll call. I just wondering, is that not working for everybody to 744 <br />remember that there’s a public hearing? 745 <br /> 746 <br />Perdita Holtz: Often we call because enough people have said no, and so it’s getting very close on whether we’re 747 <br />going to have quorum and so now we’re scrambling to get on the phone with people who haven’t responded to see if 748 <br />they can show up or not. 749 <br /> 750 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: You can put a lot of procedures in place but the bottom line is we had a lot of trouble and if it 751 <br />happens again something has got to change. I would ask, it’s not clear to me, what the value of having a true joint 752 <br />32
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