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with input earlier, we can get a better feel of what is going on. The Commissioners can see that when they read the 431 <br />minutes and I think those are ways the Planning Board can be more engaged than it is now. 432 <br /> 433 <br />Bryant Warren: The problem with that is they want to meet with the top people and by having a joint public hearing 434 <br />appearing with both then they are both getting the information and people are showing up for it. 435 <br /> 436 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: I wouldn’t be surprised if it continues in the same way but I also don’t want to penalize people who 437 <br />want to learn how the systems works and try to get the most out of it. So if they have a 45 day notice and they come 438 <br />to the Planning Board and they’re organized and they come to us and say here’s the concern and talk about it then 439 <br />the Commissioners can read it. That’s the closest we’re going to come to that no-brainer crystal ball. They will be 440 <br />much more informed, the Commissioners will, than if all this just hits them for the first time. 441 <br /> 442 <br />Bryant Warren: Right now we have one every 4 months, if it goes to every 2 months, is there not some way if we 443 <br />need another public hearing we can call one or do we have a time frame that would keep us from doing that. 444 <br /> 445 <br />Craig Benedict: The Unified Development Ordinance does set out a public hearing specific dates of 4 a year. We 446 <br />can amend the UDO to say there are other times we can consider amendments. As Perdita put up there, there are 447 <br />three types of hearing, the legislative ones are typically a little bit easier. There is a good possibility we could move 448 <br />some of those legislative items to a regular meeting and have some more opportunities for them. We know that the 449 <br />quasi-judicial are usually the ones that are a little bit more labored because of the testimony and that would probably 450 <br />clog up a regular meeting so having the quarterly public hearings isolated for them will probably remain a good idea. 451 <br />We can consider regular Commission meetings to have a public hearing. 452 <br /> 453 <br />Bryant Warren: I know a lot of developers want to get it out, get it to the public, and get it back as quickly as they can 454 <br />so they can start generating money from it. That’s probably what we’re trying to do is to accommodate some of them 455 <br />so I don’t see anything wrong with it. 456 <br /> 457 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: We have the full spectrum of the developers would love a two month process and a lot of citizens 458 <br />would like a nine month process. What you’re talking about with additional meetings, I know Commissioner Jacobs 459 <br />was concerned that if you put additional public hearings on the normal Commissioner calendar, that’s where the 460 <br />crystal ball for the no-brainers comes in. You would hate to put, for example, that solar project on the end of a 461 <br />budget meeting cause it would take too long, you really won’t be doing the citizens any service, everybody would be 462 <br />tired by the time it was midnight and probably wouldn’t accomplish what you wanted. If you know, that crystal ball, 463 <br />that this was going to be a 30 minute with no problem. 464 <br /> 465 <br />Herman Staats: Pete, so I understand correctly, the process that is on the white board now, is what we currently 466 <br />use? 467 <br /> 468 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Correct. 469 <br /> 470 <br />Herman Staats: Am I understanding you to say that we should have an additional Planning Board meeting with the 471 <br />public and if so where in that process do you propose to put it? 472 <br /> 473 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: The question is the first item, these quarterly public hearing are on a certain schedule but we meet 474 <br />every month. There’s an opportunity to have that 45 day notice and have people come to a Planning Board meeting 475 <br />and get citizen feedback quicker and then that feedback can be presented at the next available quarterly public 476 <br />hearing it is unlikely that the Commissioners would decide at that time but that’s where the no-brainer, crystal ball 477 <br />comes in. It is far more likely that they will take that citizen input and kick it back to the Planning Board. We would 478 <br />also be at that meeting, however the carrot and stick approach the Commissioners work out for getting us there. 479 <br /> 480 <br />Lisa Stuckey: So if I’m a citizen and I am bringing something forward, you’re suggesting that there be a public 481 <br />hearing in front of the Planning Board and then a public hearing in front of the Board of County Commissioners and 482 <br />then it comes back to the Planning Board. 483 <br /> 484 <br />27