OCPB agenda 110514
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 110514
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3/7/2018 3:33:30 PM
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OCPB minutes 110514
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MOTION by Bryant Warren to approve the statement of consistency. Seconded by Lisa Stuckey. 325 VOTE: UNANIMOUS 326 <br /> 327 <br /> 328 AGENDA ITEM 10: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENT: To either provide input or make 329 <br />a recommendation to the BOCC on government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO 330 <br />to change the existing public hearing for Comprehensive Plan, UDO, and Zoning Atlas related 331 <br />items/ amendments. This item was heard at the September 8, 2014 quarterly public hearing. 332 Presenter: Perdita Holts, Special Projects Coordinator 333 <br /> 334 <br />Perdita Holtz reviewed abstract 335 <br /> 336 <br />Craig Benedict: What I put on the Board here is what we presently have. We usually give the Planning Board a 337 <br />briefing on what is coming up at the public hearings, this is kind of informal. We did have the joint public hearing here 338 <br />and then this was referred back to the Planning Board and then back to the Commissioners for action. As you 339 <br />answer these questions, we’ll find out, does the Planning Board make recommendations here or do they make 340 <br />recommendation somewhere else? We will draft it up, as you come to some sort of consensus, we’ll try to sketch 341 <br />something up for clarity. 342 <br /> 343 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: I am not going to read what is in attachment one, I’ll just make a couple of quick comments. First 344 <br />we are going through something different here, it’s not a text amendment or something laid out for us. It’s an 345 <br />opportunity to say what we’re thinking. With that comes the obligation to try to get our thoughts organized. I think the 346 <br />main thing is the joint meetings were a problem just because of the quorum and I think you could move that so they 347 <br />are not joint meetings. However, I think you can, somewhere between require and strongly urge, have the Planning 348 <br />Board members attend. I think it is really important, since we are giving recommendations, to have as many people 349 <br />as we can present to hear what is going on because there is such a difference between reading something and 350 <br />hearing someone present it. There is talk in the meeting about holding the Planning Board either before or after. I 351 <br />think Planning Board before I like a lot, Planning Board after the decision is like closing the barn door after the horse 352 <br />is gone. I’m not quite sure what we’d do, that was discussed. I think citizen notification which is in here is a good 353 <br />deal and it would be nice if that notification includes a description of the process so people know what to do. Part of 354 <br />what happened in the solar project is people were scrambling with the time they had and they weren’t sure what the 355 <br />next steps were and also the dates. I think when you combine what we just voted on with the 45 day and you add in 356 <br />the changes we are looking at now and if that notification spells out what is going to happen, it should be a different 357 <br />picture than what we had before. I like treating legislative quasi-judicial mixes as quasi-judicial and that led to those 358 <br />recommendations. So you can sort of see what I am thinking from that attachment one. What we’ll do here is just go 359 <br />around the room and take input that anyone would like to pass on to the Commissioners. 360 <br /> 361 <br />Perdita Holtz: I forgot to mention that Lydia Wegman sent an email earlier today about her views. I wanted to make 362 <br />sure it got into the minutes that I did distribute her email. 363 <br /> 364 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Yes and we should put her comments into the minutes since she is not here. She also talked 365 <br />about it the Planning Board should be at the public hearing and she talked about how they should be required to 366 <br />attend the public hearing. We’re seeing everybody wrestle with the same details. 367 <br /> 368 <br />Paul Guthrie: You took the first part of what I was going to acknowledge and suggest everybody read it carefully. 369 <br />Lydia is a very smart person and has been in this business a long time. I must admit that I’ve thought a lot about this 370 <br />issue and I really wasn’t a 100% percent sure where I was going with it so I decided to make it simple. We are in 371 <br />business for one reason and that is to work for the County Board of Commissioners, present them with our 372 <br />understanding of issues and, where appropriate, make recommendations as we gather as citizens in the County. I 373 <br />would caution us as we shape this don’t violate that particular rule and if you decide that it’s necessary to change 374 <br />that rule in a significant manner, then you need to decide whether the Planning Board is relevant. I would just say 375 <br />that this is a very fundamental issue that needs to be carefully considered and I understand where the concern 376 <br />comes and it is legitimate concern in terms of the quorum/non-quorum issue. It seems to me we ought to be able to 377 <br />25
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