OCPB agenda 110514
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 110514
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3/7/2018 3:33:30 PM
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3/7/2018 3:31:10 PM
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OCPB minutes 110514
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2014
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applicable district that can be applied when we get to the zoning side is Agricultural Residential. There are some 109 <br />additional materials outlining the differences in the permitted uses that are part of the other item. 110 <br /> 111 <br />Tony Blake: I more wanted to get that on the record so that when the Commissioners read it they can either 112 <br />comment on whether I was reading between the lines correctly or not and maybe settle that question. 113 <br /> 114 <br />Craig Benedict: I think also one of the questions was is this new area more like a rural area or is it like an urban area 115 <br />and somebody mentioned that word suburban. Well, Orange County Land Use and city programs have quite a few 116 <br />demarcations so that’s what I think was being inferred that there might be some sort of intermediate category that 117 <br />could be urban in the future. As Tom said in the interlocal agreements, saying that the urban service area boundary 118 <br />stops at this new ETJ boundary really does say this is urban and this is definitely a rural lifestyle. AR fits that well. 119 <br /> 120 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: My only comment on the topic is I think the Agricultural Residential fits what is currently going on 121 <br />there and that’s borne out by that table that says only 15% of that is private and not farm use the other is either farm 122 <br />use or the quasi-public so I don’t have a problem with that right now, in 30 years from now, who knows but today it 123 <br />seems like a pretty good call. Also putting sewer and water on Eno Mountain would be a little rough. 124 <br /> 125 <br />MOTION by Lisa Stuckey to recommend approval to the BOCC on the proposed 2030 Comprehensive Plan FLUM 126 <br />amendment. Seconded by Tony Blake 127 VOTE: UNANIMOUS 128 <br /> 129 <br /> 130 AGENDA ITEM 8: ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT: To make a recommendation to the BOCC on a government-131 <br />initiated amendment to the Zoning Atlas to assign County zoning districts to approximately 500 132 <br />acres of property that are to be removed from the Town of Hillsborough Extraterritorial 133 <br />Jurisdiction (ETJ) located generally near the Eno River between US 70W and I-85/I-40 in 134 <br />Cheeks and Hillsborough Townships. This item was heard at the September 8, 2014 quarterly 135 <br />public hearing. 136 Presenter: Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor 137 <br /> 138 <br />Tom Altieri reviewed abstract and presented a PowerPoint Presentation. 139 <br /> 140 <br />Herman Staats: So, the triangle that you said was inconsistently zoned versus land use designation, is there a 141 <br />reason it was zoned that way and if there is not a reason that it’s zoned that way should the zoning be changed so 142 <br />that it is consistent? 143 <br /> 144 <br />Tom Altieri: The reason, I don’t know the reason but I think that’s how it was zoned when that township was 145 <br />originally zoned. I have a theory which is that it might have something to do with the Hillsborough Township line. I 146 <br />found it interesting that the western side of that R-1 boundary (illustrated on map) that’s not a parcel line. That’s a 147 <br />line that seems to be a hangover from a township line that for some reason doesn’t extend further to the north or 148 <br />south as we know the Hillsborough Township does. Our mapping has gotten significantly better, our GIS and 149 <br />overlays and could be the result of previous less precise mapping. 150 <br /> 151 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: That area you’re talking about, the Hillsborough triangle, is it in a critical watershed area? 152 <br /> 153 <br />Tom Altieri: It is. 154 <br /> 155 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: That tempers how much you can do there. 156 <br /> 157 <br />Tony Blake: How many acres is it. 158 <br /> 159 <br />Tom Altieri: Maybe 120 acres all those parcels combined. 160 <br /> 161 <br />Paul Guthrie: What is the ownership pattern? Are there a lot of owners, one owner? 162 <br />21
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