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David Lazzo: If we are not part of the existing homeowners, we would set up our own. 217 <br /> 218 <br />Susan Huffman: When you say the runoff will go into the Eno River, it has to go through the pond that is bordered 219 <br />by Rapids Lane homes on the west side in Pleasant Green. I have heard from the homeowners in the past that 220 <br />drainage area at the end of the pond going into the river hasn’t been kept open and it backs up into their crawl 221 <br />spaces. If you decrease impervious by having more impervious and having more runoff going into the streams 222 <br />leading into the Eno, you have to work on keeping that channel open or it will back up. 223 <br /> 224 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: The problem is that the water way that runs and feeds that pond is not cleared enough and the 225 <br />pond backs up. 226 <br /> 227 <br />Susan Huffman: I think it is at the end where the pond dumps into the river. 228 <br /> 229 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Whose responsibility is that? 230 <br /> 231 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: At this point, we can take that comment and have the planning department be aware and look at 232 <br />what they can do. 233 <br /> 234 <br />David Lazzo: The ponds are designed for the flow that runs off the property to be exactly as it is today. 235 <br /> 236 <br />Terry Boylan: This is a requirement by state law. 237 <br /> 238 <br />Susan Tilley: In addition to being concerned about Paper Birch as people who live on that road, we are very 239 <br />concerned about sight lines for people coming around that curve. Has there been any thought to changing the 240 <br />entrance to that neighborhood onto Pleasant Green which as opposed to Paper Birch? 241 <br /> 242 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: For my edification Paper Birch is not DOT maintained? But the plan is that it will be DOT 243 <br />maintained? 244 <br /> 245 <br />Terry Boylan: It is in the process of DOT accepting that. 246 <br /> 247 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: Is Paper Birch Road a cul-de-sac? 248 <br /> 249 <br />Terry Boylan: Yes. As far as access onto Paper Birch that is the best location site distance wise. It would not have 250 <br />been feasible to access the neighborhood from Pleasant Green Road. We would have to cross 130 foot buffer. 251 <br /> 252 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: You already have a crossing over that stream on Paper Birch and if you come in off Paper Birch 253 <br />you would be using that. If you went to Pleasant Green, there would be a second crossing across that waterway. 254 <br /> 255 <br />Terry Boylan: Right. 256 <br /> 257 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: Is Willett a regular size road, private road? 258 <br /> 259 <br />Michael Harvey: State maintained. 260 <br /> 261 MOTION by Maxecine Mitchell to approve Planning Director’s recommendation. Seconded by Buddy Hartley. 262 VOTE: UNANIMOUS 263 <br /> 264 <br />Michael Harvey: Introduced Michael Kelly, Planning Technician and Patrick Millett, Planner II who is taking Glenn 265 <br />Bowles position. 266 <br /> 267 <br /> 268 <br /> 269 <br /> 270 <br />9