OCPB agenda 030514
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 030514
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Last modified
3/7/2018 2:47:18 PM
Creation date
3/7/2018 2:42:57 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB minutes 030514
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2014
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STAFF COMMENT: The required public hearing was held at the February 24, <br />2014 Quarterly Public Hearing where the following testimony/evidence was <br />entered into the record: <br />i. Staff entered the abstract and attachments, including the SUP application and <br />site plan, into the record. <br />ii. Staff testimony on the project and its compliance with various provisions of the <br />UDO. <br />iii. Applicant testimony from Mr. Louis Iannone, Mr. Bret Niemann, Mr. Gabriel <br />Cantor, and Mr. Richard Kirkland, on how the project complied with the UDO. <br />The applicant entered copies of affidavits and a real estate report, completed <br />by Mr. Kirkland, into the record providing additional information on the project’s <br />compliance with applicable standards. <br />iv. Staff entered an email and letter from adjoining property owners into the <br />record. The applicant testified they would address the concerns expressed by <br />both property owners and respond in writing to the County. <br />v. Comments from the BOCC, Planning Board, and the general public. <br />• STEP TWO – PLANNING BOARD REVIEW: The Planning Board reviews the request <br />and makes a recommendation on the project’s compliance with specific development <br />standards (Section 5.9.6 (C) Solar Array-Public Utility) and the general standards <br />(Section 5.3.2 Special Uses) of the UDO. Staff prepares a script to aid the Board in <br />making required findings and denoting the ‘evidence’ utilized in rendering a decision. <br />STAFF COMMENT: This review will begin at the March 5, 2014 regular meeting <br />and be continued to the April 2, 2014 regular meeting where the Board will be <br />asked to make a recommendation. <br />This will allow the applicant to respond, in writing, to concerns from adjacent <br />property owners presented at the public hearing. <br />• STEP THREE – DECISION: The BOCC will receive the Planning Board <br />recommendation as well as any other written evidence, deliberate, certify the record, <br />close the public hearing, and then render a final decision. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: This item was presented at the February 24, 2014 Quarterly Public Hearing where <br />staff indicated the applicant proposing the development of a solar array on 2 parcels (PIN 9844-06- <br />5971 and 9844-17-2687) of property totaling 52 acres in area, owned by Stout Farm LLC, off of <br />Redman Road (please refer to the vicinity map in Attachment 1). <br /> <br />During the public hearing the following comments and questions were asked: <br /> <br />1. A BOCC member asked the applicant about the use of chemicals to treat the grass and <br />asked for a list of products that would be used. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The applicant indicated disturbed area(s) would be stabilized with <br />grass seed and chemical use would be consistent with the typical care of a residential <br />lawn. The applicant agreed to provide a list of possible chemicals that could be used to <br />‘care for’ the grass growing on site. <br />2. A BOCC member asked about stormwater runoff and if drainage ponds would have to be <br />built. <br />12
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