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D R A F T <br />3 <br /> 109 <br />Ashley Moncado: Yes. This was more for onsite. As long as you don’t exceed four all at once, you could operate 110 <br />as home occupation. 111 <br /> 112 <br />Paul Guthrie: How do you define visitor? If you have 10 students, that may wipe out some occupations. We 113 <br />should be knowledgeable about these types of limitations. 114 <br /> 115 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Let’s go around the room for comments. 116 <br /> 117 <br />Paul Guthrie: I only wanted to indicate that we do have a home business, an artist, and we have almost no visitors. 118 <br />Some of the definitions, visitors, deliveries, are so imprecise. Do delivery trucks count toward that number? 119 <br /> 120 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Michael Harvey would be able to look at those to check them. 121 <br /> 122 <br />Andrea Rohrbacher: My first concern in students per day. The way this is written if that I had a summer craft 123 <br />session with a morning session of 10 students and an afternoon session with 10 students that would not be 124 <br />allowed. My second question is about the number of events per year. If I had a seasonal business, I bake wedding 125 <br />cakes, I would like to have 2 events in the spring and one in the fall or open houses per year and then my kitchen is 126 <br />in my home and it meets all the standards for me to do the wedding cakes and I also do my home cooking, where 127 <br />does that land in this? 128 <br /> 129 <br />Herman Staats: Keep these issues in mind when we have additional public meetings related to this so we can 130 <br />modify these to better accommodate everyone. 131 <br /> 132 <br />James Lea: Looking at the revised standards dealing with minor and major home occupations sounds great with a 133 <br />little tweaking until you get to the new standards and pretty much it says all home occupations that exceed 10% or 134 <br />more. If you have any type of business, you will exceed the 10% of the floor area if you have a reception area. 135 <br />Then we get into Section 419 is extremely restrictive for any business. 136 <br /> 137 <br />Buddy Hartley: I don’t think we can change state law. I think what we have done is a good start. 138 <br /> 139 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: I hope we don’t discourage people with small business and expenses. 140 <br /> 141 <br />Tony Blake: I would like to see documentation as to when 419 applies. 142 <br /> 143 <br />Ashley Moncado: It applies to everything. 144 <br /> 145 <br />Tony Blake: I am not going to invite building inspectors to the house. 146 <br /> 147 <br />Lisa Stuckey: I want to reiterate my employee issue which I think is a lot more flexible. In the Chapel Hill one it 148 <br />states that no equipment or process shall be employed that will cause noise, vibration, etc. If you are putting a 149 <br />business in a home it is part of the impact. What about signs? 150 <br /> 151 <br />Ashley Moncado: The signage was not brought up. 152 <br /> 153 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: The HOA has restrictions also. 154 <br /> 155 <br />Lisa Stuckey: How will this be enforced? 156 <br /> 157 <br />Craig Benedict: If it is blatantly evident, we will look into it. 158 <br /> 159 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: I like on the first page that the major occupations located on a shared private road will be 160 <br />required to submit a private road maintenance agreement. Private road agreements will tear everybody up. The 161 <br />major home occupations have a 3,000 foot limit. I would imagine if an artist bought 10 or 30 acres and wanted to 162 <br />9