OCPB agenda 090413
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 090413
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Last modified
3/7/2018 2:14:36 PM
Creation date
3/7/2018 2:13:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB minutes 090413
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2013
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D R A F T <br />2 <br />public charge, the Chair will ask the offending member to leave the meeting until that individual 55 <br />regains personal control. Should decorum fail to be restored, the Chair will recess the meeting 56 <br />until such time that a genuine commitment to this public charge is observed. 57 <br /> 58 <br /> 59 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6: CHAIR COMMENTS 60 61 <br />Introduction of new members. 62 <br /> 63 64 Agenda Item 7: ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS – To receive an educational presentation 65 <br />of the various types of development review processes used in the County’s Unified 66 <br />Development Ordinance (UDO) 67 Presenter: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 68 <br /> 69 <br /> 70 <br />Michael Harvey: We have talked about permitted uses. This is intended to give an education about our permitting 71 <br />processes we have. This serves as a catalyst for future meetings about how we can revise the existing process to 72 <br />address some concerns. Reviewed permitted processes. 73 <br /> 74 <br />Tony Blake: How do numbers three and four differ from spot zoning? 75 <br /> 76 <br />Michael Harvey: Because the courts say they don’t represent spot zoning. Contract zoning is what people claim 77 <br />but there are requirements that the proposed use is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive 78 <br />Plan. The Board makes the decision on if that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. On page 23, you will 79 <br />find Attachment 1 which is a summary chart of the various development processes. On page 24, you will find the 80 <br />review procedures from our Unified Development Ordinance. On page 25, Attachment 2 is a preparative process 81 <br />chart looking at how it is done in Durham, Wake and Chatham County. As a Board, we would like direction on 82 <br />options that you believe would be essential to modify the process to eliminate unnecessary loss of time. One 83 <br />suggestion was, can’t the Planning Board hold its own public hearing and report to the elected officials, which is 84 <br />something that you need to review and determine as to what your comfort level is. 85 <br /> 86 <br />James Lea: Can you tell me the difference between Conditional Use and Conditional Zoning? 87 <br /> 88 <br />Michael Harvey: The Conditional Use involves the development of a specific land use for a given parcel of property 89 <br />where that land use may not be allowed under the current zoning designation so we will look at a site specific 90 <br />development plan posing that one specific use. The property would be rezoned and you would be asked to 91 <br />approve that specific use. Conditional Zoning, as detailed in the UDO, has specific Conditional Zoning districts that 92 <br />allow for a myriad of different uses. 93 <br /> 94 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: The companion document to the UDO is the Comprehensive Plan which is the heart and soul 95 <br />and why and general goals of the county. 96 97 <br /> 98 Agenda Item 8: Home Occupations – To make a presentation on existing home occupation regulations, 99 <br />information on how some other local governments handle the topic, and discuss Planning 100 <br />Board member’s ideas on potential amendments. This topic is included in the UDO’s 101 <br />“Implementation Bridge” as a topic for further evaluation and is an Interest Area for some 102 <br />Planning Board members. 103 Presenter: Ashley Moncado, Special Projects Planner 104 <br /> 105 <br />Ashley Moncado: The purpose of this item is to review existing home occupations standards to address Planning 106 <br />Board’s areas of interest form the January Planning Board meeting as well as the Implementation Bridge in order to 107 <br />determine if existing standards may or may not need to be revised. 108 <br />9
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