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<br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 4, 2013 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 7 <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Home Occupation Standards <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> <br /> <br />AT TACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />1. Comprehensive Plan and Unified <br />Development Ordinance (UDO) <br />Amendment Outline <br />2. Proposed Amendment Summary <br />Spreadsheet <br /> <br /> <br />Ashley Moncado, Planner II (919) 245-2589 <br />Craig Benedict, Director (919) 245-2575 <br /> <br /> <br />PURPOSE: To receive the process outline and schedule for the upcoming government initiated <br />Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) text amendment and review proposed revisions <br />regarding home occupation standards. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: <br /> <br />Because this is partially a Planning Board initiated text amendment, staff worked with the <br />Planning Board Chair and Vice Chair, after the July 10 Planning Board meeting, to complete the <br />Amendment Outline Form (Attachment 1). This form is on the September 5 BOCC agenda fo r <br />approval consideration. Staff has continued the process of drafting amendments to existing <br />home occupation standards based on recommendations from the July Planning Board meeting <br />for further review. Attachment 2 contains a spreadsheet showing the existing standards and the <br />proposed revisions. After the September 4 Planning Board meeting, staff will write the <br />amendments into the UDO for Ordinance Review Committee (ORC) review on October 2. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Planning Staff recommends the Planning Board: <br />1. Receive the attached Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) <br />Amendment Outline Form and discuss if necessary. <br />2. Review and discuss the proposed amendments in Attachment 2 and provide further <br />direction to staff. <br />13