Orange County NC Website
D R A F T <br />3 <br />Ashley reviewed the existing standards for home occupations in the UDO under Section 5.5.3. then proceeded with 109 <br />reviewing home occupations standards from other local communities in order to determine the next steps. 110 <br /> 111 <br />Paul Guthrie: What is telecommunications, a person who is employed as a consultant that does all their work by 112 <br />telecommunications, is that under this ordinance? 113 <br /> 114 <br />Michael Harvey: We have approved home occupations depending on the proposed activity. If someone is truly 115 <br />doing something at the house with the only rationale behind it is that if the neighbors complain, we can legitimately 116 <br />say they obtained the appropriate permit. 117 <br /> 118 <br />Paul Guthrie: What about artist’s studios that don’t have walk in business but produce? 119 <br /> 120 <br />Michael Harvey: We have permitted art studios. The biggest complaint is they feel they deserve to have more 121 <br />space and we treat every home occupation the same. 122 <br /> 123 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: My answer would be that you are employed by someone else and you happen to work at home. 124 <br />The artist is a home business and they are the business owner and they are working at home, that would be the 125 <br />distinction. 126 <br /> 127 <br />Paul Guthrie: We need to think very broadly about what we are trying to do and what our definitions are or you may 128 <br />spend the full time permitting or helping permit 30,000 home businesses in Orange County. 129 <br /> 130 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: I would agree with that. 131 <br /> 132 <br />Ashley Moncado continued presentation. 133 <br /> 134 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: This comment is from the time I spent on the Efland Small Planning Area and this subject came 135 <br />up a lot. The Efland area had this overlay put onto it. The goal was that Efland is the County’s Town. It is not 136 <br />incorporated but has water, sewer, it can do denser development. There was lot of discussion about what defines 137 <br />home business and one distinction was the concept of professional services and the poster child for thinking about 138 <br />this was the difference between someone who wanted a barber shop and someone who had an engineering 139 <br />consultation firm. The barber shop would have “anyone” come down with a lot of traffic and the engineer would 140 <br />have a lot less traffic. There was some reluctance to try to qualify that one too much but it was a good example 141 <br />down a private road where you could get neighbors riled up. My comments are, the two person limit, I would like to 142 <br />see changed to three but I realize some people don’t like that. I would also see the concept that you could have 143 <br />two people and a third person up to a year. You’ve got a business and it is growing, you hire the third person and 144 <br />keep them for a year, it is time to get a place of business. The square footage limit; Orange County has a 500 145 <br />square foot limit but Chapel Hill has a 750 foot. Orange County could go to 750 and it wouldn’t be too bad. The 146 <br />deliveries limit, I just don’t get, I understand some people love to shop so there will be deliveries. I don’t see a 147 <br />reason to have a limit. The parking is good. Basically you have to have enough room for the employees. I would 148 <br />like to see a set of standard that can be applied for rural districts (R1), rural areas of the county that might be 149 <br />different than the municipalities. 150 <br /> 151 <br />Paul Gutherie: You don’t mean municipalities? Basically, we are talking largely about outside municipal limits. 152 <br /> 153 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Yes. I would also put the rural buffer in with the municipalities just because there is lot in the 154 <br />UDO giving the rural buffer more protection. The idea is to avoid urban sprawl. It is difficult to start listing 155 <br />professions. 156 <br /> 157 <br />Stephanie O’Rourke: My first thought is about the employees’ requirement. How do you determine that? We have 158 <br />a business but we would only have two or three onsite. 159 <br /> 160 <br />Michael Harvey: On site. You could have 100 employees but only have two onsite. 161 <br /> 162 <br />10