Orange County NC Website
NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br /> <br />A joint public hearing will be held at the Department of Social Services, Hillsborough <br />Commons, 113 Mayo St., Hillsborough, North Carolina, on Monday, September 9, 2013 <br />at 7:00 PM for the purpose of giving all interested citizens an opportunity to speak for or <br />against the following items: <br /> <br />1. Zoning Atlas Amendment: In accordance with the provisions of Section 2.8 <br />Zoning Atlas and Unified Development Ordinance Amendments of the Unified <br />Development Ordinance (UDO), Ms. Maria Keizer and Mr. Ronald Keizer have <br />submitted a request to rezone a 2.67 acre parcel of property located at 3604 <br />Southern Drive (PIN 9844-86-5155) <br /> FROM: Rural Residential (R-1) and Light Industrial (I-1) <br /> TO: Light Industrial (I-1) <br />The parcel is currently utilized to support USA Dutch Incorporated, a sheet metal <br />fabrication operation that has operated since 1987. Ms. Keizer owns the <br />property and her son, Ronald Keizer, operates the existing commercial operation. <br /> <br />According to the application, the applicants are interested in extending the <br />existing industrial zoning over the entire property in order to ensure parking, <br />storage spaces, access roads, land use buffers, and septic systems are properly <br />zoned in support of the existing industrial operation. <br /> <br />The property subject to this petition is located within the Commercial Industrial <br />Transition Activity Node as denoted on the Future Land Use Map of the <br />Comprehensive Plan and the Urban Designated Area as denoted on the Growth <br />Management System Map. <br /> <br />Purpose: To review the item and receive public comment on the proposed <br />amendment. <br /> <br />2. Zoning Atlas Amendment: In accordance with the provisions of Section 2.8 <br />Zoning Atlas and Unified Development Ordinance Amendments of the Unified <br />Development Ordinance (UDO), Ms. Maria Keizer and Mr. Ronald Keizer have <br />submitted a request to rezone 2 parcels of property, totaling approximately 16 <br />acres in land area: <br /> FROM: Rural Residential (R-1) <br /> TO: Light Industrial (I-1) <br />The parcels, further identified utilizing Orange County Parcel Identification <br />Numbers (PIN) 9844-86-7573 and 9844-87-7368, are undeveloped and without <br />Attachment 1 <br />7