Orange County NC Website
Land Use Overarching Goal: Coordination of the amount, location, pattern and <br />designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and facilities <br />sufficient to meet the needs of Orange County’s population and economy <br />consistent with other Comprehensive Plan element goals and objectives. <br />• Goal 1: Fiscally and environmentally responsible, sustainable <br />growth, consistent with the provision of adequate services and <br />facilities and a high quality of life. <br />• Goal 2: Land uses that are appropriate to on-site environmental <br />conditions and features, and that protect natural resources, cultural <br />resources, and community character. <br />• Goal 3: A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program <br />and pattern that limits sprawl, preserves community and rural <br />character, minimizes land use conflicts, supported by an efficient <br />and balanced transportation systems, <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County, North Carolina, that the Future Land Use Map, provided in Chapter 5 of <br />the Land Use Element of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, is hereby amended as <br />described herein to become effective June 18, 2013. <br /> <br /> <br />Upon motion of Commissioner ____________________________, seconded by <br />Commissioner ________________________________, the aforementioned 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan amendments were adopted this the _________ day of <br />_________________, 2013 and shall become effective upon adoption. <br /> <br /> __________________________________________ <br /> Donna Baker, Clerk, Orange County Commissioners <br /> <br />29