Orange County NC Website
<br /> WHEREAS, the requirements of Section 2.8 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) <br />have been deemed complete, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 1.1.5 and 1.1.7 of the UDO and to Section 153A-341 of <br />the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board finds that the rezoning will carry out the intent <br />and purpose of the adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan or part thereof including, but not limited <br />to, the following: <br />a. The Future Land Use Map. <br />b. Principle 7: Promotion of Economic Prosperity and Diversity. <br />c. Economic Development (ED) Overarching Goal: Viable and sustainable <br />economic development that contributes to both property and sales tax revenues, <br />and enhances high-quality employment opportunities for County residents. <br />d. Objective ED-2.5: Identify lands suitable to accommodate the expansion and <br />growth of commercial and industrial uses. <br />e. Land Use Overarching Goal: Coordination of the amount, location, pattern and <br />designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and facilities <br />sufficient to meet the needs of Orange County’s population and economy <br />consistent with other Comprehensive Plan element goals and objectives. <br />f. Objective LU-1.1: Coordinate the location of higher intensity / high density <br />residential and non-residential development with existing or planned locations of <br />public transportation, commercial and community services, and adequate <br />supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high-speed internet access, <br />streets, and sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural <br />resources. This could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and <br />creating new mixed-use zoning districts where adequate public services are <br />available. <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Board has found the proposed zoning atlas amendment to be reasonably <br />necessary to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare. <br /> <br /> <br />17