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Commissioner McKee asked about a possible scenario. He said that if a four-lot 1 <br />subdivision was approved this past year and two of the lots were built upon and did not have to 2 <br />meet this requirement, then next year the other two lots were built upon, he asked if the other 3 <br />two lots would have to absorb the entire disturbed area or just for their lots and Michael Harvey 4 <br />said that it would be just for their lot. This is handled on a lot-by-lot basis. 5 <br />Commissioner Rich asked about the additional cost for surveying and Michael Harvey 6 <br />said $500-1,000. 7 <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 12 and Section 2.4.1 and said that she 8 <br />would not consider option ‘c’ because she would not go for changing the protection for 9 <br />University Lake Watershed. 10 <br />Michael Harvey indicated the proposed amendment would not impact existing 11 <br />development regulations enforced in the University Lake Watershed Overlay district. The 12 <br />proposal would only potentially eliminate the requirement for the submittal of a professionally 13 <br />prepared site plan based solely on a parcels location within the district and link its submittal to 14 <br />existing stormwater management thresholds instead. Michal Harvey asked if there was any 15 <br />preference for option ‘a’ or ‘b’. 16 <br />Chair Jacobs said that he was deferring his opinion until he heard the questions from the 17 <br />Planning Board. 18 <br />Maxine Mitchell said that she would reserve her comments until this came back to the 19 <br />Planning Board. 20 <br />Commissioner McKee said that his preference would be option ‘a’. He is concerned 21 <br />about people that would be trying to build homes for family members, etc. He also does not 22 <br />want to increase costs to landowners. 23 <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the Haw River watershed and said that this has been 24 <br />identified as something that the County needs to address. He said that he would like for the 25 <br />Planning Board to consider options ‘a’ and ‘c’. He would also like to solicit options from 26 <br />OWASA, Hillsborough, and Mebane. 27 <br />Commissioner Pelissier said that she prefers option ‘c’. 28 <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to look back and consider University 29 <br />Lake Watershed. She would not want to change the University Lake Watershed. She would 30 <br />prefer something that would protect all of the 6%. 31 <br />Commissioner Dorosin said that it seems that this proposal is about creating consistency 32 <br />within the ordinance. 33 <br />Commissioner Rich asked that the Planning Board get feedback from OWASA. She is 34 <br />leaning toward option ‘c’. 35 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to close 36 <br />the public hearing. 37 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS 38 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to refer 39 <br />the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be returned to the 40 <br />BOCC in time for the May 7, 2013 BOCC regular meeting and adjourn the public hearing until 41 <br />May 7, 2013 in order to receive and accept the Planning Board’s recommendation and any 42 <br />submitted written comments. 43 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS 44 <br />36