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<br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: April 3, 2013 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 7 <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Continued Review of a Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendments – <br />Modification of Site Plan Submittal Requirements <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) Yes <br /> <br /> <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />1. Comprehensive Plan and Unified <br />Development Ordinance Amendment <br />Outline Form (UDO/Zoning 2012-016) <br />2. UDO Amendment Package <br />3. OWASA Response to Proposed <br />Amendment <br />4. Excerpt Draft Minutes from February 25, <br />2013 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />Michael D. Harvey, Planner III (919) 245-2597 <br />Reynolds Ivins, Erosion Control (919) 245-2586 <br />Craig Benedict, Director (919) 245-2575 <br /> <br />PURPOSE: To continue discussion of, and make a recommendation on, a Planning Director <br />initiated text amendment(s) to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in regards to the <br />submission of formal, professionally prepared, site plans. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: This item was presented at the February 25, 2013 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />and reviewed by the Planning Board at its March 6, 2013 meeting. <br /> <br />Excerpt, draft, minutes from the Quarterly Public Hearing are contained in Attachment 4. <br />Agenda packet materials from the hearing can be accessed via the following link: <br /> <br /> <br />During the Planning Board meeting staff reiterated input from OWASA, relating to the text <br />amendment, would be solicited. Staff has received a response (Attachment 3) from OWASA <br />which expresses no concerns. <br /> <br />At the March 6, 2013 Planning Board meeting there was universal consensus that ‘Option C’, <br />specifically requiring a professionally prepared site plan only when stormwater land disturbance <br />thresholds are exceeded, was the preferred method to ensure consistency with respect to the <br />submittal of professional site plans. <br /> <br />Attachment 2 contains the proposed amendments with additions shown in red text and <br />proposed deletions are shown in red strikethrough text as well as footnotes documenting the <br />rationale for the proposed modification. <br /> <br />Staff will reiterate this amendment does not alter existing development standards associated <br />with the Watershed Protection Overlay Districts (i.e. impervious surface limits). Further work <br />may be authorized by the BOCC to complete a comprehensive review of existing limits in the <br />near future. <br /> <br />15