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D R A F T <br />3 <br /> 109 <br />Phil Cook: I am with Earth Centric Engineering and we are the engineers for the project. There are two separate 110 <br />outfalls for this roadway. (Pointed out the outfalls). There is actually an existing natural swale that comes on the 111 <br />back which allows us to let that have a level spreader respect. 112 <br /> 113 <br />Johnny Randall: The other issue has to do with critters moving around (i.e. salamanders and box turtles). Given 114 <br />that this development on two sides had significant natural heritage areas and there is a creek. I apologize this 115 <br />didn’t come to my attention earlier but I want it on the record. 116 <br /> 117 <br />Larry Wright: This is just for information, I was at a dinner meeting with a commissioner from another county and 118 <br />she thought the DOT requirements for a cul-de-sac was 50 feet. Can you clarify that? 119 <br /> 120 <br />Michael Harvey: There is a difference between radius and the pavement portion. The minimum 37 feet of paved 121 <br />area will be the minimum amount of paved area required for the project although the radius of the cul-de-sac will be 122 <br />a lot wider to incorporate all elements in the right-of-way. The right-of-way for the cul-de-sac will have a radius of 123 <br />50 feet. If there are no other questions, let’s move on to utilities. 124 <br /> 125 <br />Alan Campbell: On the septic areas, it looked slightly more involved than a conventional system. Are they 126 <br />basically conventional with some tweaks with pretty much the same cost? 127 <br /> 128 <br />Phil Cook: Not the same cost. They are a little more expensive. Some of the lots have conventional systems. 129 <br />There are two systems that use one of the line reduction methods. 130 <br /> 131 <br />Johnny Randall: About the septic drain field areas, they are pushed to the limit of the lots where the 50 foot buffer 132 <br />zone, could they be pulled closer to the homes? One issue that would make the Triangle Land Conservancy more 133 <br />interested in this development would be to offer them the option of holding conservation easements on some of 134 <br />those lands adjacent to both Duke Forest and their own property. 135 <br /> 136 <br />Michael Harvey: The areas with the plats have been identified as perkable soils. It is certainly possible to have 137 <br />them moved. We require they be denoted on the plat to ensure there is perkable soil in each lot. With respect to 138 <br />the open space ownership issue Mr. Heffner (the applicant), at the November 7, 2012 Planning Board meeting, the 139 <br />question came up of ownership of open space, where discussions on conservations easements were made. 140 <br />Essentially, it was his determination that the local residents would be more readily available to address issues in 141 <br />respect to management of the open space areas. 142 <br /> 143 <br />Tom Heffner: My experience has been that it is preferable to have homeowner’s association; there has to be 144 <br />ownership of the open space so the HOA would own a fee simple interest in that space. 145 <br /> 146 <br />Michael Harvey: What will ultimately determine the final location of the septic field is the size of the house, the 147 <br />number of bedrooms and the location of the well. 148 <br /> 149 <br />Johnny Randall: Given this site is forested with mature hardwood forest, if I, for instance, …. If the septic drain field 150 <br />was pulled closer, there would be much greater sense of being in the forest . 151 <br /> 152 <br />Tom Heffner: Drain fields are not cleared. 153 <br /> 154 <br />Michael Harvey: Continued reviewing abstract. 155 <br /> 156 <br />Motion made by Larry Wright to approve the preliminary plat as submitted. Buddy Hartley seconded. 157 <br />Vote: 9:1 (Randall opposed) passed. 158 <br /> 159 <br /> 160 <br />Agenda Item 8: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENT – To make a recommendation 161 <br />to the BOCC on government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO to modify existing 162 <br />11