OCPB agenda 030613
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 030613
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Last modified
3/7/2018 2:06:50 PM
Creation date
3/7/2018 2:03:14 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB minutes 030613
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2013
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D R A F T <br />2 <br />AGENDA ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA 55 56 57 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6: PUBLIC CHARGE 58 59 <br />Introduction to the Public Charge 60 <br />The Board of County Commissioners, under the authority of North Carolina General Statute, 61 <br />appoints the Orange County Planning Board (OCPB) to uphold the written land development 62 <br />laws of the County. The general purpose of OCPB is to guide and accomplish coordinated and 63 <br />harmonious development. OCPB shall do so in a manner which considers the present and 64 <br />future needs of its citizens and businesses through efficient and responsive process that 65 <br />contributes to and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the overall County. The OCPB 66 <br />will make every effort to uphold a vision of responsive governance and quality public services 67 <br />during our deliberations, decisions, and recommendations. 68 <br /> 69 PUBLIC CHARGE 70 <br />The Planning Board pledges to the citizens of Orange County its respect. The Board asks its 71 <br />citizens to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner, both with the Board and with 72 <br />fellow citizens. At any time, should any member of the Board or any citizen fail to observe this 73 <br />public charge, the Chair will ask the offending member to leave the meeting until that individual 74 <br />regains personal control. Should decorum fail to be restored, the Chair will recess the meeting 75 <br />until such time that a genuine commitment to this public charge is observed. 76 <br /> 77 <br /> 78 <br />AGENDA ITEM 7: CHAIR COMMENTS 79 <br /> 80 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Larry, as outgoing Chair, would you like to make any comments? 81 <br /> 82 <br />Larry Wright: It has been a pleasure to serve you as chair. I have learned and witnessed that this Board and this 83 <br />county does work from the grass roots level up and the BOCC does listen to the Board. Your role on this Board is 84 <br />very important and over the time I have appreciated seeing some people who were reluctant to speak up make their 85 <br />opinions known and they are doing this now and I am happy to see you flourish. One thing I consider very 86 <br />important, and I hope new members continue to observe, is that you exercise your right to have a dissenting 87 <br />opinion and there are times when the BOCC does listen to the dissenting opinion and they move on that. Buckhorn 88 <br />road was a prime example because the majority voted against Buckhorn. Thank you for allowing me to serve. 89 <br /> 90 <br /> 91 Agenda Item 8: Kennel Processes and Regulations – To continue discussion on BOCC-requested input 92 <br />into the processes and regulations for kennels. This item was continued from the November 93 <br />7, 2012 regular meeting when the work plan was acted upon, the Planning Board Chair and 94 <br />Vice-Chair asked that this be a discussion item for the January 9, 2013 agenda. 95 Presenter: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 96 <br /> 97 <br />Michael Harvey: Reviewed abstract on page 15. 98 <br /> 99 <br />Alan Campbell: On the chart under “Review Process” and “Staff Review and Approval” for Durham and Chapel Hill, 100 <br />does that mean it is discretionary? Also, is that a good thing in your mind? 101 <br /> 102 <br />Michael Harvey: Obviously, it is similar to Orange County staff reviewing and approving a proposed kennel 103 <br />operation. They have their version of the UDO with guidelines and standards and their obligation is to ensure the 104 <br />project complies with all of those standards. They review a site plan and make the determination that complies with 105 <br />development regulations in issuing a zoning compliance permit allowing the project to move forward. I think you 106 <br />have a policy in this county where the elected officials have determined that certain uses due to their nature 107 <br />deserve a heightened level of review. I am not speaking against Class II Kennel being a special use permit. I think 108 <br />9
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