OCPB agenda 010913
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 010913
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3/7/2018 2:01:50 PM
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3/7/2018 1:58:21 PM
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OCPB minutes 010913
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D R A F T <br />5 <br />Alan Campbell: Do we need a motion that we approve it? 213 <br /> 214 <br />Perdita Holtz: It can come back in January or you can instruct us to come up with language and I can email it to 215 <br />everyone. 216 <br /> 217 <br />Larry Wright: On page 38, item 5, does that imply that they are permissible on residential uses? 218 <br /> 219 <br />Perdita Holtz: The wording was taken from ECOD to be consistent throughout the UDO. 220 <br /> 221 <br />Larry Wright: Hillsborough has been around since there was a well in the middle of Churton Street and turned into 222 <br />a very commercial street and they had to make it so the large trucks could not pass through. Highway 70 is of the 223 <br />same nature. We are having a municipality that is not a municipality coming in so what will happen when you have 224 <br />commercial districts around 70 and where would be alternative route for these heavy vehicles which leads you to 225 <br />consider more the pressure of sidewalks. 226 <br /> 227 <br />Buddy Hartley: The heavy truck traffic should not be there unless they have a delivery. 228 <br /> 229 <br />Larry Wright: We have two issues before us; the Efland Village Overlay District and the Efland Interstate Overlay 230 <br />District with staff proposals to address items four and five. 231 <br /> 232 <br />Perdita Holtz: It would be good for direction on how you want to recommend to the BOCC. There needs to be a 233 <br />formal motion for four and a motion on the amendments on Attachment 2. 234 <br /> 235 Motion from Lisa Stuckey to retain the “ticks” as recommended by the staff. Seconded by Alan Campbell. 236 Vote: Unanimous 237 <br /> 238 Motion from Alan Campbell to approve this as presented by staff with the further changes to be developed and 239 <br />circulated through email for item five. Seconded by Tony Blake. 240 Vote: Unanimous 241 <br /> 242 <br />Pete Hallenbeck submitted the following comments for the record: 243 <br />Item 7: 244 <br />Quarterly Public Hearing comments: 245 <br />Chain/franchise business building standards 246 <br />South of the railroad tracks “chain restaurants” are permitted. The Small Area Plan and the Implementation groups in 247 <br />general realized the value of being able to identify a business from it’s signature style of building. They also wanted 248 <br />to take advantage of the proximity to the interstate and have these businesses in order to generate more jobs and tax 249 <br />revenue. There was a desire to have an opportunity for citizen input during the permitting process where minor 250 <br />changes in the building presentation could be proposed. No one had problems with drive throughs. While it is true 251 <br />that this introduces a small subjective component into the permitting process, it was deemed that this was the lessor 252 <br />of two evils where the other option was to blanket permit any and all chain restaurants no matter what the style. 253 <br /> 254 <br />As I commented during the hearing, there would be no chain restaurants north of the railroad tracks. The rational is 255 <br />as simple as this: Imagine a McDonalds somewhere in downtown Hillsborough, say by King street or across from the 256 <br />Weaver Street Market. 257 <br /> 258 <br />I suspect the franchise rules are also not a problem for chain restaurants. I would imagine they would prefer to be 259 <br />close to the interstate, not up north of the railroad tracks. 260 <br /> 261 <br />During the Small Area Planning and the Implementation phase of these proposed UDO changes, the topic of 262 <br />sidewalks seemed to always come down to keeping people from walking on the road. There are many people that 263 <br />walk along US70 day and night. At night, it is very hard to see many of these people as they don’t wear anything 264 <br />reflective. I suspect that any higher density project would increase this potential for this pedestrian traffic, and that 265 <br />9
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