OCPB agenda 010913
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 010913
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3/7/2018 1:58:21 PM
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OCPB minutes 010913
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D R A F T <br />6 <br />you would see more people walking on what are now less traveled side streets. The ordinance changes attempt to 266 <br />deal with this problem, but does not do so as clearly as it does for the Interstate overlay area. 267 <br /> 268 <br />Perhaps the answer is to require sidewalks that will keep people off the streets, but not require sidewalks internal to 269 <br />the project. This will allow for a slow development of a sidewalk system in the area as development occurs. 270 <br /> 271 <br />In the Interstate overlay, the goal of (10) in section 6.6.3 is to avoid the problems that currently exists with people 272 <br />walking on US70 on other roads, such as Mt. Willing, as the area grows. The wording assure a review of these 273 <br />concerns, but also allows for project specific discretion. 274 <br /> 275 <br />Note that as always there is the conflict of wanting sidewalks for safety and aesthetics being in conflict with the desire 276 <br />for affordable housing. Even the comprehensive plan wrestles with this one. 277 <br /> 278 <br />Citizen Comment on the Changes: 279 <br /> 280 <br />A citizen from Efland commented that most people in Efland would not understand the changes, and that they did not 281 <br />understand what had been going on. I remember the early community meetings, and 30+ people showed up. Most 282 <br />were interested in getting sewer into the area. They were told that with sewer comes increased development and 283 <br />business, which was welcomed by most. They were also told that there would be zoning changes due to the pending 284 <br />development. Once the sewer project was on track, many citizens stopped showing up at the meetings. 285 <br /> 286 <br />Most residents also wanted to see opportunities for more businesses in the area, and commented that no new 287 <br />businesses had been allowed for years. The proposed changes allow for more bushiness in the area. 288 <br /> 289 <br />The small area plan and subsequent small area implementation group has been an 8+ year process that was always 290 <br />open to the public. There have been many opportunities for community feedback. I have personally discussed the 291 <br />changes with many at the Fire Department. I sympathize with the average citizen reading zoning ordinance text and 292 <br />trying to understand it, but I feel there has been plenty of opportunity for citizens to ask and receive a “plain English” 293 <br />description of what the overall goals are. It should also be noted that only 10 citizens showed up at the meeting to go 294 <br />over the changes. The opportunity was there. 295 <br /> 296 <br />The citizen made the comment that these changes will not be of much benefit to the community (or words to that 297 <br />effect) and I disagree. These changes allow for new businesses, small professional businesses, and large scale 298 <br />development near the interstate. While there may be some style issues, such as monument style signs for a 299 <br />business instead of pole signs, the overall goals are consistent with the wishes of the community. 300 <br /> 301 <br />All that said, I would be delighted to schedule a meeting with any concerned group and talk to them about these 302 <br />changes. 303 <br /> 304 <br /> 305 Agenda Item 8: Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendment – To make a recommendation 306 <br />to the BOCC on government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO in order to modify 307 <br />and clarify existing regulations and definitions associated with the erection and use of 308 <br />outdoor lighting facilities. This item was heard at the November 19, 2013 quarterly public 309 <br />hearing 310 <br /> Presenter: Michael Harvey, Current Planning 311 <br /> 312 <br />Pete Hallenbeck submitted the following comments for the record: 313 <br /> 314 <br />Item 8: Outdoor Lighting 315 <br /> 316 <br />My only comment here is that perhaps the best description of the term “Initial Lumens” would be the lumens of output 317 <br />for a bulb as printed on the packaging for the bulb. 318 <br />10
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