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Approved 3/14/2011 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/8/2010 Page 9 of 43 <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 <br /> <br />The applicant is required to adhere to the submittal requirements and design criteria standards as detailed within <br /> and Their first requirement is a description of the exact type of facility plan, the amount of area <br />including the number of members or participants expected, the site plan citing the size of existing and proposed <br />buildings. As part of this application, we do have a site plan and a narrative that fulfills this requirement, Subsection B, <br />access, parking, service and recreation areas for all planned or existing facilities. Both the site plan and the narrative <br />provide this level of detail. Subsection C, plans and elevation for all proposed and existing structures and descriptions <br />of the color and nature of all exterior materials. The applicant has provided you something and I would respectfully <br />request that you allow me to suggest a condition at an appropriate time concerning adherence to this standard. While <br />the applicant has submitted detail I think some additional information is required which I believe can be handled and I <br />want to propose a condition. The next condition, a landscape plan showing at the same scale as the site plan, existing <br />and proposed trees, shrubs, and ground cover. We have a unique situation here in that the applicant wants to hold <br />himself to a higher standard than the ordinance currently exists. They are required to provide a 20 foot landscape <br />buffer for Article 12 of the existing zoning ordinance. What Mr. Andrews has elected to do instead of just providing a <br />buffer that meets those standards, he is actually incorporating and adopting language that will be in the proposed <br />Unified Development Ordinance by asking the board to impose a condition that would allow Mr. Andrews to develop a <br />landscape plan in accordance and consistent with recommendations from Orange County Planning Staff and the <br />Orange County Cooperative Extension Office to identify plants and utilize native vegetation that is drought tolerant that <br />would also address concerns that we would have in working with the local utility company concerning the power line <br />easement. We have recommended that a condition be imposed on this landscape plan which I will address in a <br />moment. I would like to stipulate that Mr. and Mrs. Andrews voluntarily incorporated a requirement that is in the <br />proposed UDO in terms of working with Cooperative Extension to have a landscape and buffer plan that actually made <br />use of indigenous local vegetation that was drought tolerant and tried to respect the existing power line instead of just <br />planting trees that the current ordinance would allow that we know would get mowed down because it is near a power <br />line easement. The next subsection E, a signed statement from the owners or operators that there shall be no activity <br />allowed that will have adverse affects on adjacent property. Mr. Andrews submitted that this evening to staff which we <br />have given you a copy and it has been entered into the record. We believe it is consistent and adheres or satisfies the <br />condition of Subsection E. <br />At the bottom of page 41, standards of evaluation per Section, the first requirement is the lot size shall be <br />adequate for the method of sewage disposal proposed, and for the proposed recreational uses. We are finding in the <br />affirmative based on the memorandum supplied to the Orange County Health Department and attachment 3 there is <br />also a condition associated with this which I will go over in a moment. The site plan, number 2, should show the <br />boundaries of the site, the distances to the nearest residential structures, proposed or existing access points, parking <br />and service areas, location of outdoor recreational facilities and location of existing or proposed buildings. We attest <br />the site plan provides the required data. At the top of page 42, The landscape plan shall be at the same scale, I am <br />not going to rehash what I had commented on the landscape plan, elevations of all structures and buildings. Again, I <br />will propose a condition that addresses my concerns for this point. Finally, there are no adverse impacts on the <br />adjacent roads or residential property which I believe is addressed in their statements. This is ultimately up for the <br />Board’s consideration but I believe he has met the requirements of the ordinance. <br />It is my opinion that recreational facilities are permitted in the zoning district where this property is located. The Health <br />Department has indicated there are no concerns for the proposed use or portable toilets at this facility although they <br />have recommended a condition which Mr. & Mrs. Andrews have agreed to which I will go over in a moment. From <br />staff’s perspective, the proposed operation of this facility complies with the intent and purpose of the 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan specifically the 10 year transition area which this property is located. You will note within the <br />applicant’s narrative they have provided documentation they feel their policies and goals of the comprehensive plan <br />that support the development of this facility which staff concurs with. Mr. Chairman, I would like to take the Board <br />through attachment D, beginning on page 107, the Findings of Fact. <br /> <br />