BOA minutes 101110
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA minutes 101110
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BOA agenda 101110
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Approved 11/8/2010 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 10/11/2010 Page 26 of 35 <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 <br />50 <br />51 <br />52 <br /> <br />Michael Harvey: It’s not an issue for me only because obviously it was not referenced in that letter and there is no <br />zoning issue associated with it. That I know of. <br /> <br />Dawn Brezina: Ok, so that’s not to be addressed. <br /> <br />Tom Brown: We are coming to the end, I will let you make some brief comments as long as we are not retracing past <br />information. <br /> <br />Nancy Oglesby: Yes sir. I just wanted to respond that I brought up the fish kill because I thought it related to trees and <br />brush being cut down. Even though they are not on the ag center property, we were told they were cut down so that ag <br />center visitors could see the pond. There was a statement in the application saying that no vegetation would be cut. I <br />didn’t make that connection very clear before. <br /> <br />Tom Brown: Thank you, and that was Ms. Oglesby for the record. <br /> <br />Tammy Jordan: The only thing I want to state is the fact that Mapleview is to Dairyland Road what New Hope is to our <br />area and in the sense if you think about it, Mapleview is like the improvement association of Dairyland Road. Just the <br />way New Hope is off Whitfield Road it’s New Hope improvement association. That’s what it’s used for to try add to the <br />community and get the community involved. That is what Mapleview should be not just the agriculture but also the <br />community. <br /> <br />Tom Brown: Thank you, Board members, any other questions of staff, of the attorney before we close the public <br />hearing portion of the case? One final question for you Mr. Harvey. The way I am understanding our path forward, <br />affirmation of your decision with the caveats that you have described on the record, reversal or arbitration. Would you <br />call it arbitration? That of course defers this hearing to the next regular scheduled meeting but what is your experience <br />with that? <br /> <br />Michael Harvey: I am going to answer this question but also ask Mr. Parker as the applicant’s attorney to comment as <br />well. Once you close the hearing you are going to make very specific findings that staff was either erred or is correct in <br />their determination based on the testimony and we’re focusing essentially on subsection a, b, and c of Section 8.7.1. <br /> <br />In terms of if you want to delay action until more information can be provided, I think that both the applicant and I need <br />to know what you are looking for if it is to attempt a meeting with the adjacent property owners to address some of their <br />concerns with respect to this order, for them to supply additional information on how they either a. ensure there is a <br />component of an activity that complies with the SUP or whether you might be seeking additional information on their <br />justification for how it complies with the provision of the SUP or if you are going to be asking staff to supply additional <br />documentation demonstrating how the decision was made on subsections a, b, and c. If you want to recommend <br />arbitration, as its been suggested, I think it should be fashioned in a manner that it’s a mediation rather than arbitration <br />because arbitration has a specific connotation to it; that you don’t impose on the applicant or staff a condition that incur <br />cost, and that you set some perimeters that the applicant and staff can agree to could be adhered to and that we can <br />respond back to you as you have requested because obviously without speaking for Mr. Parker. If I am Mr. Parker, his <br />concern is that you ask us to go to a mediation to discuss these things and there’s no perimeters on how this issue <br />could be resolved and then we come back to the Board we can’t report anything back or we can’t address your concern. <br /> <br />Tom Brown: I am not advocating that I just want to understand your position on that. Mr. Parker would you… <br /> <br />Mike Parker: I would agree. I think that if that were the inclination of the Board that we would like to have some <br />guidance as to the process and what you expect. If there is additional information required, tell us what you need to <br />hear that you have not heard tonight. I am sure you don’t want to re-plow the same ground twice. <br /> <br />Tom Brown: Exactly, I just wanted to make sure I understood if that was a path forward.
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