Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 5/10/2010 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 3/8/2010 Page 10 of 86 <br />1 2 3 <br />4 <br />5 6 7 <br />8 <br />9 10 11 <br />12 <br />13 14 15 <br />16 <br />17 18 19 <br />20 <br />21 22 23 <br />24 <br />25 26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 50 <br />51 <br />52 <br />53 54 <br />Nick Herman: You had mentioned the septic system to service the property; will that system need to be approved by any <br />governmental entity? <br /> <br />Tony Whitaker: Yes. The Orange County Health Department has jurisdiction over that system and the Orange County <br />Health Department approved that system originally developed for the house and now that we are going to use it for a kennel <br />facility, they have imposed additional requirements that are unique and specific for kennel facilities which the applicant has <br />agreed to. <br /> <br />Nick Herman: Did you mention, the Orange County Animal Department, in addition to licensing the facility, they have to <br />approve the site plan? <br /> <br />Tony Whitaker: Yes. <br /> <br />Nick Herman: Would you briefly explain to the board, since you wrote this statement on behalf of the applicant, why you <br />believe this application meets the criteria that the use will be in harmony in the area in which it will be located. <br /> <br />Tony Whitaker: Yes. As you know it is a requirement to show that the use will be, if built and operated in accordance with <br />the application, will in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. I have taken a look at the different elements, the site <br />design, the elements of the property itself and the use itself and accessed incrementally for each of those, whether I think <br />those uses will lead toward harmony and disharmony. I have found that in all those cases, the use will be harmonious. <br />Number one, the use is a permitted use in the rural buffer zoning conditions. Some of those conditions have to do with <br />property and the specific design, which I believe and can verify are net. <br /> <br />Another condition is there will be a Special Use Permit granted by this board for that use. I believe that all the findings <br />required for that Special Use Permit have been met so I believe in terms of land use, the use is inherently appropriate given <br />the conditions that have been met or can be met as a result of this hearing. <br /> <br />I think the size is important. This is a small facility housing only 20 dogs. By kennel standards, that is small so I didn’t see <br />any use or discontinuity or disharmony related to the scale of the facility. I thought the size being small let toward a condition <br />of being in harmony. Low visibility, I think it is important to realize that this facility won’t be visible from the road very much. <br />You might get a little view if you turn your head the right way at the right time driving by. This is not a prominent facility <br />visually. It is behind the house and other features associated with the house and behind trees, etc. so it does not present <br />itself to the road as a conspicuous as commercial use or anything that conspicuously or unharmonious with the <br />neighborhood. <br /> <br />It has adequate buffering to the adjoining properties. We have not been able to identify any reason to think that the adjacent <br />properties would be adversely impacted from a visual or any other condition associated with use because of that screening <br />and the physical separation that exists. <br /> <br />It is a low traffic generator where there really is not, by virtue of the business model, that Mr. Lonsway employees there is <br />really not much traffic that comes in and out. The average customer will bring their dog on a certain day and drop that dog <br />off for several days and pick the dog up at the end so the person is not driving in and out everyday. <br /> <br />We have talked about the noise and the sounds down beneath that proposed building and we believe that the lack of any <br />adverse noise condition really does go a long way to providing the harmonious presence of this facility in the neighborhood. <br />It is a controlled environment. The operator and owner lives in the house on the property. The fact can be said that the <br />closed house to this facility is occupied by the owner and operator so it is a very controlled environment and we think that is <br />a mitigating factor. That is minimal grading and clearing and land developer work needed to get this facility in. In fact, we <br />are taking away a very ugly, unpleasant structure that is already on the site and replacing it with new construction and we <br />think that is a positive thing. <br /> <br />We had to take a look at what happens outdoors in that fenced exercise area as part of the application and the applicant has <br />committed to only having one or two dogs at the time would be in that area. To me it felt like a residential use where a <br />person is exercising and playing with their own dogs once a day which is certainly an appropriate in a rural area.