Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 5/10/2010 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 2/8/2010 Page 11 of 13 <br />1 2 3 <br />4 <br />5 6 7 <br />8 <br />9 10 11 <br />12 <br />13 14 15 <br />16 <br />17 18 19 <br />20 <br />21 22 23 <br />24 <br />25 26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 50 <br />51 <br />52 <br />53 54 <br />Mark Micol: How would she know the clock is ticking… how would she know the permit was issued? <br /> <br />Michael Harvey: When she called staff in the summer of 2007, staff told her that we issued a permit and we were <br />allowing the ball field. Technically I could see an argument from that point on that was 30 days but she didn’t file. From <br />a standpoint of the lighting, she obviously knew we had issued a permit in September 2008 that we issued lighting <br />because I told her we had. <br /> <br />Mark Micol: Did we tell her she had 30 days? <br /> <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: How did she know that? <br /> <br />Michael Harvey: My recollection was that I told her in September that we had made the decision back in May and that <br />technically I told her she had lost her appeal right. Craig told her in January that she could appeal that decision so part of <br />my argument is going to be that on the 12th of January that she had 30 days from then that Craig said he would allow an <br />appeal which should have been in February. <br /> <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: There are no minutes documented from any of those conversations nor do we have a document <br />provided by the county that said we have issued this permit on such and such a date for lights to be added to the ball <br />field. You have under section X that you have 30 days to appeal. There is nothing that she has formally in her hand. <br /> <br />John Roberts: And there is nothing that is required to be given. A land use situation is one that is open and notorious <br />and an aggrieved party can see that it is there and the law is available for that person to learn and figure out that I have <br />30 days from when I became aware of this to appeal. Since she was given verbal notice in January, apparently in <br />January, that she could appeal this, then technically the 30 days would start then. She needed to take the affirmative <br />action to learn what the law was and appeal within that time period. Staff is not required to give her anything to say that <br />she has 30 days to appeal this. <br /> <br />David Blankfard: Can you add, in your findings of fact, that it was determined that the baseball field was stated to be an <br />accessory use? <br /> <br />Michael Harvey: Yes. <br /> <br />David Blankfard: If we put that in the findings of fact then nothing is debated and then they will get to the heart of the <br />matter. When you add the lights, that changes it, because there is nothing that we as a board can say, there is nothing to <br />change that. <br /> <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: Can we go off the record with this? <br /> <br />John Roberts: I would suggest that we not go off the record because this is all part of your findings. <br /> <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: I would rather not include that. <br /> <br />David Blankfard: Okay. <br /> <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: I don’t think the board needs to be in the position of interpreting and/or making law about all the things <br />that can constitute an accessory use at a facility like this. And by saying that, that is what we are going on the record and <br />saying. <br /> <br />Thomas Brown: Aren’t we saying that anyway, defacto, by taking the position we are. <br /> <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: Yes, but from my perspective, I would rather that it sit behind it as opposed to being right out front. <br /> <br />David Blankfard: It is a finding in the back, the last sentence in the conclusion. <br />