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Approved 4/22/2014 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/11/2013 Page 31 of 123 <br />3.77 is excessive as well but the point is that the county’s 7.06 acre claim ended here at the time of the appeal is 1 <br />inconsistent with what they presented to the Board of Commissioners in 2007 and 2008. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Jeff Schmitt: How many acres are there? 4 <br /> 5 <br />Michael Buck: In red or the total? 6 <br /> 7 <br />Jeff Schmitt: Outlined in red. 8 <br /> 9 <br />Michael Buck: 3.77. Again, I understand the idea of a negotiation but let’s take a look at the change in County 10 <br />recreational active recreational claims over the years. In 2006, we are at .4 acres of active recreation, in 2007, 11 <br />we are at about 3.35 and that is from a document that is in evidence but I am not showing right now. Then it 12 <br />goes to 3.77 acres in 2008 and I will actually point you to the zoning officer’s response to my appeal and this is 13 <br />the current, Mr. Harvey’s response to my appeal dated September 4, 2013 in Attachment B, page 8 (unmarked). 14 <br />He also cites the 3.77 acre claim. Then we jump to 7.06 acres so there is changing claim the county is making 15 <br />over time when nothing changed on the land. Between 2006 and the building of this picnic area in early 2009 but 16 <br />certainly after July 17, 2008, nothing changed and yet the interpretation of the acreage allowed did change. That 17 <br />is key. I mentioned last time that if we were talking about a tenth of an acre, a quarter of an acre or even half an 18 <br />acre, there probably would not be concern here but I contend there are orders of magnitude between … 19 <br /> 20 <br />Larry Wright: Where is this going? I don’t want to cut you short, I want you to make your point but I really want to 21 <br />know where this is going. What is the end point here? 22 <br /> 23 <br />Michael Buck: I make a claim that the Phase IV acreage is inadequate to satisfy the special use permit. In order 24 <br />to understand that claim, you have to know what was on the ground prior to Phase IV and so I am trying to paint 25 <br />the picture what was on the ground, what the County understood to be on the ground, what the County was 26 <br />willing to count as already built active recreation was a number that whatever was added in Phase IV did not 27 <br />allow compliance with the special use permit so I can move on from here to further that claim but we are talking 28 <br />about an inadequate active recreation claim according to the special use permit. 29 <br /> 30 <br />David Blankfard: Is there a definition in the 1986 building code that says what “active” is… I want to ask Mr. 31 <br />Harvey first. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Michael Harvey: I am not sure I can legitimately answer because of where are in these proceedings. This is his 34 <br />closing argument. I think if you want to ask a clarifying question, I will give you an appropriate answer. 35 <br /> 36 <br />David Rooks: I would allow the applicant to finish his presentation and then you can ask each of them follow up 37 <br />questions if you wish. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Michael Buck: I will make an argument on evidence about that. I will move this along. We look at the plan-o-40 <br />meter estimates last time. I don’t think there is any dispute that the clubhouse, pool, tennis court, basketball 41 <br />court, subsequent built gazebo and the top lot all certainly eligible. There is question as to whether the parking 42 <br />lot is countable and areas that are sloped and not otherwise suitable for recreation can be allowed. Again, we 43 <br />are looking at broad numbers, the plan-o-meter numbers were introduced as estimates so it is a little over an 44 <br />acre. If we look at what the planning director noted in his 2006 letter, he is saying it is really closer to a little over 45 <br />half an acre, almost three quarters of an acre. I will note the question came up before as to what counts as active 46 <br />recreation, is it the entire land up the curb and so forth. The planning director’s 2006 letter was doing an acreage 47 <br />calculation on the individual pieces. Now I think that cuts the acreage a little too close, I don’t think you want to 48