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Approved 4/22/2014 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/11/2013 Page 20 of 123 <br />statement in that letter. This information is provided for perspective regarding the origin and importance of the 1 <br />recreation recommendation of Condition 27 since the rules were not adopted at the time the SUP was approved. 2 <br />Our argument to you about this letter is this is a negotiation between the planning department and the developers 3 <br />over what recreation should be in this development. It is a negotiation because the condition of the special use 4 <br />permit nowhere makes a requirement for recreation except in the ratios we have talked about before. In the 5 <br />gross land area ratios we have talked about before. The entire recreation component of the special use permit is 6 <br />couched in recommendation terms. Mr. Benedict is fighting for additional recreation over what the ordinance 7 <br />required in the spirit of these later adopted regulations. Mr. Harvey’s testimony earlier tonight, nowhere in the 8 <br />county’s files is there evidence that the county was requiring the later adopted recreation standards in this 9 <br />project; they were using those to negotiate a better deal in the project. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Jeff Schmitt: That is the essence of this Attachment K. 12 <br /> 13 <br />Geof Gledhill: That is the essence of Attachment K. Let me go to Attachment L which is the next one in Mr. 14 <br />Buck’s package. It is May 22, 2002 letter from…this is funny because I have no recollection of signing this letter 15 <br />but I signed it. John Link wrote this letter, Geoffrey Gledhill and Craig Benedict wrote this letter to James Moore 16 <br />in 2002 and that is my signature so I fess up to having written this letter or at least signing it. What this letter is 17 <br />about wholly and exclusively is the importance and significance of both the timing and phasing of this project. 18 <br />Remember the reason why there was a delay between the special use permit approval and the recording of it 19 <br />was Hillsborough did not have public water supply adequate to serve this project. The phasing and timing of the 20 <br />aspects of the development of this project were intended to coincide with Hillsborough’s water supply expansion 21 <br />getting up and running. The bottom line is this letter concerned solely and exclusively the phasing and timing of 22 <br />the project so that it would not be developed to outstrip the public water supply. It happens to use maps that 23 <br />show the phasing plan that show bridges. I argue to you from the bottom of my heart, those bridges on those 24 <br />maps are meaningless. This map is about phasing and timing and has nothing to do with bridges across Nancy 25 <br />Hill Creek. Let me take the opportunity to take you back to the special use permit and that is Attachment C. I 26 <br />want you to go to the conditions that are in that special use permit which begin on Book 1709, page 104. There 27 <br />are 44 of them. I am going to illustrated this and then tell you what it says. Reading number 1, “The grantee of 28 <br />this special use permit shall post, number 2, Security shall be provided, number 3, All necessary easements to 29 <br />permit utility… shall be provided, the grantee shall promulgate roads, parks, etc. shall be, shall be, shall 30 <br />be, every single one of these conditions except Condition 27 says “shall be”. Number 27 doesn’t say shall be, it 31 <br />says, “the following recommendations apply to the recreation area and facilities”. The county didn’t have the 32 <br />authority to say “shall be” when this special use permit was attached. The county did the best it could and said 33 <br />we recommend that you do this. The planning staff took that and ran with it in the negotiations in the process of 34 <br />getting these plats developed and put on record and did the best it could to get as much consistency between the 35 <br />recreation supplied by these developers and the recreation recommendations contained in this special use 36 <br />permit. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Geof Gledhill: In summary, Mr. Buck’s appeal fails because the recreation requirements he contends are not met 39 <br />were not in the zoning ordinance when the SUP for this project was approved and not applicable at all. They 40 <br />were adopted after this project was approved. Those commitments were honored by the county when the special 41 <br />use permit was recorded in the language I read to you earlier which was, with respect to the recreation on 42 <br />speaking because that is really the whole… 43 <br /> 44 <br />Larry Wright: What was honored? 45 <br /> 46 <br /> 47