BOA minutes 111113
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA minutes 111113
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Last modified
3/26/2018 9:17:01 AM
Creation date
3/7/2018 10:44:16 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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BOA agenda 111113
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Board of Adjustment\Agendas\2013
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Approved 4/22/2014 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/11/2013 Page 10 of 123 <br />more recent pictures so I wanted to set those aside. This is a package of the current state of the newly built 1 <br />picnic area which is in Phase II so these pictures were taken recently. Finally, this was an oversight since we are 2 <br />talking about bridges, etc. but I failed to take pictures, I have taken pictures of all the wooden structures along the 3 <br />pathway including the pedestrian bridge as well as other built objects. I have two paragraphs I would like to read. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Larry Wright: Is this evidence? It can’t be hearsay. It has to be direct evidence, direct testimony. Do you have 6 <br />that direct testimony? 7 <br /> 8 <br />Michael Buck: Please give me guidance. If I was told something by someone, not they are telling me something 9 <br />someone else said but I had a conversation with the zoning officer and was told a fact. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Larry Wright: He can do that can’t he (to David Rooks)? 12 <br /> 13 <br />David Rooks: Yes. He can. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Larry Wright: Proceed. You are under oath. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Michael Buck: Mitch Barron of Newland Communities met in late 2007 on November 26 and then again on 18 <br />December 10 during a homeowner’s board meeting. Mitch Barron of Newland Communities directly told me that 19 <br />Newland was not planning to provide any pedestrian only bridges. He told me that Newland’s opinion was they 20 <br />were obligated to provide any pedestrian bridges. He said Newland would do what the county required them to 21 <br />build, he went on to say that on both November 26, 2007 and again on December 10, 2007 that the county had 22 <br />not required any bridges beyond what we are calling the Motorized Vehicle Bridge. He mentioned in both 23 <br />meetings and I understand this may be questionable so, he mentioned in both meetings that the county did not 24 <br />want pedestrian bridges because of current environmental reasons. These statements were made to me on 25 <br />November 26, 2007 and again at the Churton Grove HOA meeting on December 10, 2007 and I will also…I 26 <br />understand there may be questions about my recollection of events. I took notes after that meeting as well as 27 <br />meeting minutes from the HOA were provided so if there is any question about the validity of those statements 28 <br />and my recollection then I would like to offer the contemporaneous notes into the record. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Larry Wright: Is this the end of what you are submitting into evidence? 31 <br /> 32 <br />Michael Buck: I have one other statement. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Larry Wright: Is that evidence? 35 <br /> 36 <br />Michael Buck: Same thing but with regard to a conversation I had with Robert Davis, Current Planning 37 <br />Supervisor. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Geof Gledhill: Who was that conversation with? 40 <br /> 41 <br />Michael Buck: Mitch Barron of Newland Communities. 42 <br /> 43 <br />Geof Gledhill: That is not under the rules of evidence, admissible. I’ll object to everything altogether. 44 <br /> 45 <br />David Rooks: Mr. Chairman that is a statement of someone that was not a party. He can testify to statements 46 <br />made to him by representatives of the county but the testimony he has just relayed to you has to do with 47 <br />statements made by third a party that is not admissible. 48
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