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Approved 9/10/2013 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 7/8/2013 Page 9 of 82 <br /> <br />telecommunication facility as regulated by local regulations be designated as a public necessity and therefore exempt 1 <br />from compliance with this standard. The issue becomes whether or not there is sufficient evidence in the record that 2 <br />either proves or refutes the notion that it will maintain or enhance value of contiguous property. It doesn’t have to do 3 <br />both. It is an either or proposition. You have information in the record; you have testimony this evening from Mr. 4 <br />Dixon and two other real estate agents who refute the claims made by Mr. Smith. It is up to the board to determine 5 <br />whether or not the evidence that has been entered into the record proves compliance or demonstrates the project will 6 <br />not comply. It has always been my feeling and my interpretation that it is the elected officials are the only body that 7 <br />can make that form of determination that all applicants for the special use permit are required to provide that 8 <br />documentation unless directed otherwise by the BOCC. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Michael Harvey: The question is how the board wishes to proceed. Ms. Kemerait was in the middle of her 11 <br />presentation last month. She had just finished introducing evidence from her witness, Mr. Smith, the appraisal 12 <br />information which you have already pointed out Mr. Chairman; I think it would be appropriate to see if Ms. Kemerait 13 <br />has anything to add to the record and then get to the list of who is signed up to speak. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Larry Wright: I think that is reasonable. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Karen Kemerait: I do have additional information to provide briefly and I would also like the opportunity of rebuttal and 18 <br />sum up our case as well. I would like to pass out information about the conservation easement that we spoke about at 19 <br />the last hearing. 20 <br /> 21 <br />Michael Harvey: We will call this Applicant Exhibit 2. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Karen Kemerait: I would also like to thank the board for your time and patience because as I mentioned in the last 24 <br />hearing, this is a very important application for AT&T and American Tower and for many of the residences and 25 <br />businesses in Orange County. One of the questions asked of me and American Tower and Mr. and Mrs. Yow, who 26 <br />are here again tonight, was whether Mr. and Mrs. Yow would agree to some type of conservation easement so the 27 <br />trees surrounding the tower site would be protected. At the last hearing, Mr. and Mrs. Yow indicated they would be 28 <br />willing to agree to that but we were not able to provide any specifics. Since the time of the hearing, we have prepared 29 <br />what I have provided you, which is a map showing the area in which trees would be preserved and as condition of 30 <br />approval of the special use permit application assuming the board approves the application, we would agree to provide 31 <br />a conservation easement that would be recorded in Orange County that would be consistent with the information I am 32 <br />going to describe and that is consistent with the map I have provided to you. Basically, that map is showing the tower 33 <br />site along with the trees on Sesame Road which is directly to the west of the tower site. We are proposing a large 34 <br />conservation area that will protect the trees between the tower site and Sesame Road and will also protect the trees 35 <br />located to the north and south of the tower site. The property is not, Mr. and Mrs. Yow do not use this property for tree 36 <br />farming, they use it for cattle farming so they have no interest in removing any trees but this will ensure in case 37 <br />something were to happen and there was a future owner, these trees would be preserved. The conservation 38 <br />easement would be; first, there would be a 30 foot no clearing buffer that would surround the area that would have to 39 <br />be cleared so the tower can be located; secondly, we will provide that the trees and vegetation located within the 40 <br />stream buffer will remain undisturbed and the stream buffer. The stream buffer runs from the north to the south of the 41 <br />property so the entire stream buffer area will be protected. In addition, the vegetation to the northwest and the 42 <br />southwest of the tower site that will be located outside of the 30 foot no clearing buffer and is also located outside the 43 <br />stream buffer, that will be the area marked in red on page C1 of the site plans, also shall not be cleared so the area 44 <br />surrounded in red and including the stream buffer which will run from the north to the south of the property will be 45 <br />protected and part of the conservation easement. 46 <br /> 47 <br />Also, one of the questions we answered in part but not fully dealt with AT&T’s plans for better coverage in Orange 48 <br />County and at the time we did not have propagation maps that showed that the coverage that AT&T has planned in 49 <br />this area of Orange County and I had stated that a bit more generally that AT&T is planning to make a large 50 <br />investment and commitment in Orange County to help improve telecommunications coverage. Stephen Howard can 51