Orange County NC Website
Approved 7/8/2013 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 6/10/2013 Page 6 of 92 <br />room for AT&T’s antenna and for three additional carriers so when other carriers, (i.e. Verizon, Alltel), 1 <br />if they want to come and provide coverage in this area, they can enter into a lease agreement with 2 <br />American Tower and attach their antennas to the tower as well. 3 <br /> 4 <br />Samantha Cabe: Your map showing there is no coverage; there could be different carrier’s coverage 5 <br />there, just not AT&T coverage? 6 <br /> 7 <br />Karen Kemerait: There could be but since there is not another tower located in the area, I think it is 8 <br />unlikely there would be good coverage for any other carrier in the area, however, I have not studied 9 <br />the other carrier’s coverage but I suspect the likelihood is that other carriers are going to come 10 <br />approach American Tower to ask to locate their antennas on the tower as well. As we were talking 11 <br />about, there had been an Alltel tower located in the location where American Tower’s tower will be 12 <br />located. For a special use permit application we talked about the 100 foot by 100 foot parcel that will 13 <br />be leased by American Tower and located on Mr. Fagan’s property which is an ideal location for the 14 <br />tower. It is a very large parcel of land, 56 acres, undeveloped and heavily wooded. And one of the 15 <br />reasons it is such a good location is the wooded area will make it so the tower will not be visible from 16 <br />that location or barely visible or just the top of the tower visible from other locations. The property is 17 <br />in agricultural residential and the tower will be located 900 feet from New Sharon Church Road and 18 <br />219 feet from the closest property line which is Mr. Fagan’s property line and his residence is located 19 <br />on that nearby property. I also mentioned there would be room for three additional carriers in addition 20 <br />to AT&T and the antennas as required by the Orange County Ordinance are going to be flush 21 <br />mounted to the tower and flush mounted means they will be up against the tower so they will be much 22 <br />less visible than the antennas that protrude from the side of the tower. Under Attachment 7, we have 23 <br />photographs of the balloon test that was conducted and that will show the areas where the towers will 24 <br />not be visible whatsoever and in the few locations where the top of the tower will be visible. The top 25 <br />of the tower will be visible from a few locations on Bill Poole Road and along New Sharon Church 26 <br />Road but from all other locations it will not be visible. We have shown in our application that we have 27 <br />met all the technical requirements and the specific requirements of the Ordinance for 28 <br />Telecommunications Towers. In addition, the county’s consultant, CMS has provided its 29 <br />recommendation report stating that CMS’ opinion is that we have in fact met all those technical 30 <br />requirements. Moving on to the Special Use General Standards. We have provided quite a bit of 31 <br />information or application materials showing that we have met all the general requirements as well. I 32 <br />would like to put this into the evidence as well. The Findings of Fact from the planning staff has also 33 <br />stated they have received sufficient evidence from the applicant meeting the general standards and 34 <br />at this point they have received no evidence that would establish grounds for a negative finding of 35 <br />fact. We have shown that the tower use will maintain or promote the public health, safety and 36 <br />general welfare. We have provided information that the addition of the antennas will comply with all 37 <br />federal laws and with the FCC rules and regulations. As I have mentioned previously, the 38 <br />background information will promote the public health and safety by providing access to emergency 39 <br />and 911 services. Also, I talked about economic development that too will promote the public health 40 <br />and general welfare of the county. I also provided quite a bit of information on the application about 41 <br />how the use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property. As I mentioned, the tower will 42 <br />not be visible from most locations and only the top of the tower will be visible from a couple of 43 <br />locations. The tower will not be a nuisance or an environmental hazard. This will be an unmanned 44 <br />facility and will generate, once it is constructed; only two or four vehicle trips per month which means 45 <br />there will be no increase in traffic in the area. The tower will not be lit, it will be only 199 feet and FAA 46 <br />requirements state that towers above 200 feet will have to be lit so this tower will not be lit. The tower 47 <br />will also not have any noise or glare so therefore there is no element of nuisance or environmental 48 <br />hazard. We also provided a property impact analysis report prepared by David Smith. Mr. Smith is a 49 <br />North Carolina certified real estate appraiser and he performed the research and analysis as 50 <br />contained in the report and his conclusion is that the proposed tower will maintain or enhance the 51 <br />value of contiguous property. Finally, we have information in the application materials that the tower 52 <br />will be in harmony in the area in which it is located and will be in compliance with the ordinance and 53