Orange County NC Website
Approved 7/8/2013 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 6/10/2013 Page 40 of 92 <br />SECTION 5.10.8 (B) – GENERAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS – SPECIAL USE PERMITS – 1 <br />CONTINUED ("Yes" indicates compliance; "No" indicates non-compliance) 2 <br />Ordinance <br />Requirements <br />PLANNING <br />STAFF <br />RECOMMENDED <br />FINDINGS <br />EVIDENCE SUBMITTED <br />TO SUPPORT <br />FINDINGS <br />BOA <br /> FINDINGS <br />5.8.10 (B) (3) (i) <br />Evidence that the balloon <br />test requirement has been <br />met, including a notarized <br />statement and listing of <br />the property owners <br />notified of the test, a copy <br />of a current Orange <br />County Tax Map showing <br />the subject property and <br />all properties within the <br />notification ring, and <br />copies of the certified mail <br />returned receipts from the <br />mail-out. <br /> <br /> X Yes ___No Tab(s) 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 of <br />the application booklet <br />contains the required <br />information. <br /> <br /> <br /> _x_Yes ___No <br />5.8.10 (B) (3) (j) <br />A notarized statement that <br />the sign posting <br />requirement has been <br />met. <br /> <br /> X Yes ___No Tab(s) 3 and 10 of the <br />application booklet <br />contains the required <br />information. <br /> <br /> <br /> _x_Yes ___No <br />5.8.10 (B) (3) (k) <br />Photographs of a clearly <br />visible balloon floated at the <br />proposed tower location to <br />the maximum height of the <br />tower, as well as <br />photographs with the <br />proposed tower and <br />associated antennas <br />superimposed upon them <br />showing what the proposed <br />tower will look like. <br />Photographs shall be taken <br />from locations such as: <br />property lines, and/or nearby <br />residential areas, historic <br />sites, roadways, including <br />scenic roads and major view <br />corridors, and other locations <br />as deemed necessary by the <br />Planning Staff to assess the <br />visual impact of the proposed <br />tower. <br /> X Yes ___No Tab(s) 3 and 7 of the <br />application booklet <br />contains the required <br />information. <br /> <br /> <br /> _x_Yes ___No <br />3