Orange County NC Website
Approved 7/8/2013 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 6/10/2013 Page 12 of 92 <br />Michael Harvey: There are two more people actually…. Karen Kemerait who has spoken and Rusty 1 <br />Monroe. Mr. Monroe (our telecommunications consultant) can answer questions. Next on the list is 2 <br />David Lacava. 3 <br /> 4 <br />David Lacava: I have no additional comments. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Michael Harvey: Steven M. Howard. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Steven M. Howard: No additional comments. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Michael Harvey: Jeremy Browner. 11 <br /> 12 <br />Jeremy Browner: I have been duly sworn. I rise in support of this application. I am a sole practice 13 <br />attorney in Chapel Hill and also the Vice-Chair for the Economic Development and Public Policy 14 <br />Committee for the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber of Commerce. I first want to draw your attention to 15 <br />a couple of public policy interest of the county that are at stake here. One is the versification of the 16 <br />tax base. One of the most important things we need to do is develop business in our community. 17 <br />One of the most important….one of the more important areas now, in modern business, is 18 <br />telecommunication and access to that. You have a couple of alternatives; of course we have satellite, 19 <br />we have cable and we have terrestrial antennas that we are talking about today. Cable won’t extend 20 <br />to rural areas because they can’t recover their investment. Satellite is very slow. It is available in 21 <br />rural areas but it is slow and not useful for business applications so the only real way to bring 22 <br />broadband in an effective manner is the use of terrestrial antennas which require them to be erected 23 <br />and data services be put on top of them. Another public policy area that we are trying to do is 24 <br />bridging the digital divide. The digital divide is from the ones that have access to broadband and 25 <br />ones that do not. This is a very important tool, the internet, in education now. Also, not just business 26 <br />but educating our children, need to have access to the various topics that teachers want them to have 27 <br />access then enhance their learning ability. The entertainment is switching a lot to entertainment 28 <br />through the internet. A lot used to be getting signals from broadcast TV, it switched to cable and now 29 <br />it will be switching to entertainment through the internet. They did not testify whether or not 3G or 4G 30 <br />would be more accessible. I am assuming 4G would be more accessible on these antennas. 3G and 31 <br />4G, for your information, 4G is a faster data capability that allows faster communication with the data 32 <br />traffic. Now, obviously voice is important but mainly what we are considering is data. Other 33 <br />applications that are considered are agricultural applications. Agricultural applications use cellular 34 <br />broadband to report moisture, to report sun, to report all sorts of data points that are available to gain 35 <br />higher yield on agricultural fields. I wanted to stress that although some towers may be unsightly this 36 <br />particular application the applicant has stressed greatly about the lack of harm, cosmetic or actual 37 <br />harm. They have had an expert testify about property and the impact of property prices. They have 38 <br />had blue tests that talked about the visibility of the antenna after it is erected. All of which that these 39 <br />have minimal on the surrounding community and we talked about the impact versus what we are 40 <br />trying to achieve through a public policy, diversify our economic tax base, bridge the digital divide and 41 <br />bring in more businesses to the county. These are the things you should think about when you vote 42 <br />on this application. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Larry Wright: You are talking about the various types of communications and how you can bring 45 <br />telecommunications; you talk about satellite or terrestrial antenna. I live in northern Orange County 46 <br />and I live 200 feet from the tower but I have Century Link and they have high speed access and I 47 <br />think that is one vehicle or way for people in rural Orange County. I used to rely on the antenna 48 <br />about 200 feet from my house but Century Link is better for us and I get better speed. Of course it 49 <br />has been a number of years but it is one more vehicle that people have. 50 <br /> 51 <br />Jeremy Browner: I believe that technology you are referring to is DSL. DSL speed decreases away 52 <br />from the node station so as you go away, the speed decreases dramatically so with cell towers, that 53