Orange County NC Website
Approved 6/8/2015 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 12/08/2014 Page 12 of 49 <br /> <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Larry Wright: But there wasn’t a noise ordinance you said. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Michael Harvey: There is a noise ordinance enforced by the county [Sheriff]. What I will testify to because I do have 4 <br />knowledge is that the noise ordinance exempts the discharge of fire arms from being considered a violation. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Mark Micol: Does your office get involved like during hunting season where people have large parcels and they have 7 <br />people who are not family members going onto their parcel and hunting. Have you had anything like that in the past? 8 <br /> 9 <br />Michael Harvey: No sir. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Mark Micol: If that were to occur, would you then refer them to the Sheriff’s Department? What action would you 12 <br />take if someone was complaining about a high activity of hunting and traffic and noise and that sort of thing, adjacent 13 <br />to residential areas? 14 <br /> 15 <br />Michael Harvey: If someone complained to me about hunting, I wo uld unfortunately tell them that is not a regulated 16 <br />activity per the Unified Development Ordinance and there was no land use issue that I could investigate or cite. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Mark Micol: And the activity we are talking about today, did that occur on the trailer pa rk parcel or the undeveloped 19 <br />parcel? 20 <br /> 21 <br />Michael Harvey: The 34 acre undeveloped parcel of property. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Mark Micol: Okay. So no activity took place in the trailer park itself? 24 <br /> 25 <br />Michael Harvey: There was conflicting information and I basically, as I indicated, cited Mr. Klein for both parcels. 26 <br /> 27 <br />Larry Wright: Would you please briefly state how a non-profit enters into this argument. 28 <br /> 29 <br />Michael Harvey: The land use category as currently defined within the table of permitted uses, there are two types of 30 <br />recreation facilities allowed in Orange County, specially a for profit and a not for profit [operation]. If I can call the 31 <br />board’s attention to Attachment 3D which has been e ntered into the record beginning on page 101, this is the 32 <br />memorandum provided to the County Commissioners. Recreational facilities are broken down into two separate 33 <br />categories as defined in Article 10 of the Unified Development Ordinance specifically recre ation use, non-profit and 34 <br />indoor outdoor recreation use owned by non -profit corporation according to the laws of North Carolina and then a 35 <br />recreation use profit, an indoor outdoor recreation use owned by an entity other than a non for profit corporation. A 36 <br />recreation facility nonprofit is allowed within the county subject to the issuance of a Class B Special Use Permit in a 37 <br />myriad of different zoning districts, I will not read them all, but it would be allowed in this subject district to the 38 <br />issuance of a Class B Special Use Permit which is acted upon by this board. 39 <br /> 40 <br />Larry Wright: How does one document whether it qualifies or does not qualify as a non -profit? 41 <br /> 42 <br />Michael Harvey: The honest answer to that question is we would look for articles of incorporatio n establishing a non-43 <br />profit corporation for the purpose of providing a recreation amenity. We would be looking a t the Secretary of State for 44 <br />North Carolina’s website for such documentation. 45 <br /> 46 <br />Mark Micol: Getting back to the jurisdiction question, basically you don’t make the determination about what is 47 <br />reasonable or not reasonable as far as traffic, noise level, rapid fire, constant 24/7 shooting, your office doesn’t make 48 <br />the determination if that is reasonable or unreasonable, that is for a court of law t o decide? 49 <br /> 50