BOA minutes 101314
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA minutes 101314
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3/26/2018 9:16:07 AM
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3/7/2018 10:33:30 AM
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BOA agenda 101314
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Board of Adjustment\Agendas\2014
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Approved 12/8/2014 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 10/13/2014 Page 4 of 17 <br /> <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Larry Wright: And also an Attachment on page 23. 2 <br /> 3 <br />MOTION: Samantha Cabe made a motion to amend Attachment 5 and enter that amended attachment into the 4 <br />record to include the provision that the use will comply with the relevant section of the Comprehensive Plan as 5 <br />referenced by Mr. Harvey. David Blankfard seconded. 6 <br /> 7 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 8 <br /> 9 <br />Michael Harvey: As you will note on page 3 we have a proposed camp/retreat center and I will reiterate that is how 10 <br />the Unified Development Ordinance defines it and labels it. One comment staff has to address is the concern from 11 <br />an adjacent property owner that this will become a summer camp where children will be staying overnight and there 12 <br />will be overnight camping and accommodations. We have stipulated that there is not going to be a camp; there are 13 <br />not going to be cabins for children staying overnight. That addressed Ms. Cox’s concern that this will be a summer 14 <br />camp. We have a breakdown of the programs in our abstract the applicant will offer. The Triangle Land 15 <br />Conservancy has also provided on pages 3, 4 and 5, a breakdown of the project’s complaince with applicable 16 <br />standards. I will remind the board that on the bottom of page 3, 4 and the top of page 5, we have provided a 17 <br />breakdown of what we believe is in the application, contained in Attachment 1, on how the project complies with the 18 <br />various submittal and review requirements. For example, we have site plan denoting all the required elements such 19 <br />as buildings, storage areas, fencing, etc. We have in Attachment 1 a detailed narrative and description of the facility 20 <br />plan, its capacity and operational parameters. We have a phasing plan that has been proposed beginning on page 21 <br />54, Attachment 1. We have documentation in the abstract detailing staff’s evaluation of the project. We have 22 <br />documentation in the form of a memorandum from the Orange County Health Department within Attachment 3 23 <br />indicating the waste water disposal system was found to be acceptable. The site plan, I will stipulate, shows the 24 <br />distance of the nearest residential structure. Private recreation facilities are not being proposed and compliance with 25 <br />subsection 2B is not required. The site plan provides all necessary documentation dealing with off street parking. 26 <br />We have various staff comments in Attachment 4. We have not had a negative finding by any staff on this project. 27 <br />As you will remember, the staff does not make recommendation with respect to the projects compliance with the 28 <br />provisions of Section 5.3.2 (A) 2 specifically that the use will maintain and promote the public health, safety, and 29 <br />general welfare if located where proposed, number two that the use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous 30 <br />property and number 3 that the location and character of the use will be developed according to the plan submitted, 31 <br />will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and the use is in compliance with the plan for physical 32 <br />development in the county. Staff has provided on page 5, number 3, several goals and policies that support the 33 <br />issuance of this permit with respect to its compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant has also provided 34 <br />such information in Attachment 1. We have not received any public comment expressions any concerns except the 35 <br />question asked by Ms. Cox. This is a quasi-juridical hearing where decisions are based on sworn testimony and 36 <br />evidence. Mr. Chairman, unless there are any questions for me, I would like to defer to the applicant to make their 37 <br />presentation. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Larry Wright: On page 65, there is an email from Jason Shepard who speaks on behalf of the EMS and I have no 40 <br />attribution as to who he is. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Michael Harvey: Jason Shepard is the Orange County Fire Marshal with Orange County Emergency Management. 43 <br /> 44 <br />T.C. Morphis: I am an attorney with the Brough Law Firm in Chapel Hill. I’m going to be speaking some this evening 45 <br />addressing the owners along with my colleagues. Before we speak we wanted to have representatives from Triangle 46 <br />Land Conservancy tell you about the project. I have with me Ms. Katherine Baer and Mr. Walt Tysinger. You may 47 <br />already be aware of this. The somewhat unusual feature of the Urban Conservation Center is that it is an ongoing 48 <br />use. It has been in operation five years and that was the knowledge and understanding of the county planning staff 49 <br />who told us that we would be able to come in and seek a special use permit which we are happy to do so when you 50
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