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APPROVED 10/13/2014 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 8/27/2014 Page 46 of 64 <br /> <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Matthew Rhoads: My guess is that may be a contractor doing something other than what we thought, if 2 <br />that’s happening. The public needs and necessity shall be served by the proposed installation. Again, 3 <br />the only competent material evidence is that it will. The statute requires us to have an adequate supply 4 <br />of gas. The statutes say it is a public necessity so that’s covered. The final one is proof of liability 5 <br />insurance which the only evidence is we provided that and staff agrees. So there is competent material 6 <br />evidence supporting each one of those criteria there is really no competent material evidence 7 <br />contradicting any of that so as a matter of law we believe we are entitled to the permit. We would ask 8 <br />that the Board grant the permit. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Larry Wright: Are there any questions from the members of the Board. Hearing none, Mr. Harvey? 11 <br /> 12 <br />Michael Harvey: As is the usual procedure we would like to review attachment 4 which is the findings of 13 <br />fact. This begins on page 271. Sections 2.2 and I’m on pages 272 and 273. Sections 2.2 and 2.7.3 14 <br />essentially deal with the submittal of an application, payment of fees, submission of necessary 15 <br />documentation as far as a detailed narrative, property owner lists. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Jeff Schmitt: Larry, did we close the public hearing? 18 <br /> 19 <br />Michael Harvey: Not before I’m done because I can’t answer any questions after the hearing is closed. 20 <br />You will note that staff has provided you with the evidence that is available indicating that the applicant 21 <br />has met their burden, we have for example in attachment 2 a signed application, detailed narrative, a site 22 <br />plan, we have a copy of the insurance certificate that is required by the unified development ordinance 23 <br />and that is on page182. I will remind you that it is for a million dollars per occurrence instead of 500,000 24 <br />that our ordinance requires. The applicant submitted the site plan with the appropriate notes did 25 <br />modifications at staff’s request specifically specifying that all property disturbed will be reestablished to 26 <br />its previous disturbed level. All solid waste will be disposed of in accordance with applicable county 27 <br />regulations. I am going through now to page 275. Notification requirement, you’ll see that staff provided 28 <br />the various attachments in what was done. I will remind the Board that since we had to delay this 29 <br />hearing we sent out actually first class mailing notices to folks reminding them of the moved date which 30 <br />meant also the 15 day advertising deadline. One of the reasons we chose 1st class and it was actually 31 <br />out of a discussion with Ms. Oliver here in the audience, she got her certified mailing notice almost 7, 8 32 <br />days after the letter had been mailed. Part of that is because of the consolidation of, at least in my 33 <br />opinion, is a consolidation of post office duties in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area which is exacerbating the 34 <br />picking up of certified letters. This will be something that staff is going to have to talk to the County 35 <br />Commissioners about ensuring that people are getting their notice in an appropriate manner. One of her 36 <br />concerns to me was she had an inadequate time to prepare for the hearing. It was fortuitous that 37 <br />unfortunately we didn’t have full Board and PSNC elected to delay the hearing. We did send notices out 38 <br />to every property owner reminding them of this new hearing date and time so they could be present. I’m 39 <br />on page 276 now, the specific standards. I’ve already alluded to the fact they have a site plan. Sheets 40 <br />2, 3 sheets 37, 36 provide the necessary information as required by the Ordinance. I’ll take this 41 <br />opportunity to remind the Board we’ve had a suggestion from an impacted property owner that any 42 <br />motion to approve not include the disputed regulator station whatever it’s called on Mr. Zaragoza’s 43 <br />property. That it be handled at a future date and time. The applicant, and I’m on page 277, has argued 44 <br />that both within their narrative and their testimony here this evening that this project complies with 45 <br />applicable state and federal regulations including Title 49 Federal Regulation Part 192 which prescribes 46 <br />to minimum safety requirements for pipeline facilities. They have provided the narrative information and 47 <br />testimony this evening about the public convenience. I’ve already covered the liability issue. You have 48 <br />beginning on page 278, responses to their compliance to Section 5.3.2.b of the UDO. We have a couple 49 <br />of conditions that have been recommended that I am going to go over a little more detail in a moment. 50 <br />Beginning on page 280, we have the findings for Section 5.3.2.a.2.a which is the use will maintain or 51 <br />promote the public health, safety and general welfare. The use will maintain or enhance the value of 52 <br />contiguous property unless the use is a public necessity. Finally, location and character of the use, if 53 <br />developed according to the plan submitted, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located 54 <br />and the use is in compliance with the plan for the physical development of the County as embodied in 55