Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 10/13/2014 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 8/27/2014 Page 41 of 64 <br /> <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Larry Wright: The next witness. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Michael Harvey: I’m going to go back to Ms. Wendy Feldmann. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Wendy Feldmann: I think most of the stuff is either going shot down or not be relevant since I’m not an 6 <br />expert so I can’t speak on the topics other than they personally affects me and how we’ve been treated 7 <br />by PSNC. 8 <br /> 9 <br />Larry Wright: Next witness. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Michael Harvey: Kenneth Feldmann. 12 <br /> 13 <br />Ken Feldmann: Ken Feldmann and I have been sworn in and I live at 5715 Buckhorn Road. One of the 14 <br />things I’d at least like somebody to address or at least look into is in our backyard is Turkey Hill Creek 15 <br />which is a watershed it feeds into Cane Creek and a 100,000 people in Chapel Hill/Carrboro drink that 16 <br />water but part of that proper watershed is the animals and stuff that live there and during the droughts 17 <br />and stuff we’ve seen that there are fresh water mussels living in that area and at least we would like an 18 <br />assessment done to say ok you’re not killing when you trench through that creek any endangered 19 <br />species. A lot of the fresh water mussels in North Carolina are either on the state or state owned federal 20 <br />endangered species. I would also talk a little bit about the right to use of the current easement of the one 21 <br />time we attempted to use the easement, was we were having some trees cut down in our yard and the 22 <br />people who doing the logging parked their vehicles on the pipeline and they do surveillance flights 23 <br />occasionally over there and they flew by and the plane kind of took a closer look and some people in the 24 <br />volunteer fire department took a look out and thought the plane crashed and went all out searching for it. 25 <br />I don’t know it that matters or not but the next day the representatives from PSNC came along to see 26 <br />what we were doing on the pipeline and the vehicles were parked on it and we were strongly encouraged 27 <br />to not have those vehicles on the pipeline because they were sitting on top of the 1952 pipeline and they 28 <br />considered that extremely fragile. So that’s just something when they’re doing the construction on this if 29 <br />they’re five years or seven years ago, I can’t remember exactly when we had that done, if they are 30 <br />worried about the integrity of the 1952 pipeline to encourage us not to park heavy vehicles on it what are 31 <br />they going to do to do the construction? 32 <br /> 33 <br />Matthew Rhoads: We are happy to address that. I mean outside of this forum. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Ken Feldmann: Ok. The other concern I have is they were talking about how they properly maintain the 36 <br />pipeline well our section of the pipeline when Cardinal came through planted a bunch of bush clover 37 <br />which is kind of an invasive species but it grows about 7 feet tall and every year or year and a half or two 38 <br />years or so one of the pipeline crews comes by and bush hogs it. In that process they come and knock 39 <br />down all the markers or at least a good bit of them. They are either plastic or some of them are 40 <br />aluminum and they get knocked down so there is really at any time there’s one or two markers on a 41 <br />couple of about well I think we have 800 feet right-of-way for those things and at one point we are on the 42 <br />other side of the other pressure release valve that blew one day we had ours going off so I walked out to 43 <br />the pipeline and it had a nice 20 foot plume of natural gas. I probably should have called 911. 44 <br /> 45 <br />Larry Wright: Do you have another point sir? 46 <br /> 47 <br />Ken Feldmann: But I went out there to find the phone number and to call off the signs and I couldn’t find 48 <br />one. Except close enough, really close to the valve. The pressure release valve, which I wasn’t going 49 <br />near. They did make proper maintenance of the pipeline is one of the regulations they are supposed to 50 <br />follow and I have lived there for 15 years since 99 and I’ve seen the signs go away. There might have 51 <br />been a couple come back but. 52 <br /> 53 <br />Larry Wright: Ok, thank you very much. 54 <br /> 55