Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 10/13/2014 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 8/27/2014 Page 4 of 64 <br /> <br /> <br />Larry Wright: The emails are from Mr. Garcia…. 1 <br />Michael Harvey: And Ms. Jones and the memorandum from Mr. Shaw. 2 <br />Matthew Rhoads: We actually object to admitting the emails either in abstract or the ones from Mr. 3 <br />Garcia and Ms. Jones on the basis that is unsworn evidence and it is hearsay. We are not able to cross 4 <br />examine them on anything they said. 5 <br />Michael Harvey: Could you state your name please. 6 <br />Matthew Rhoads: Matthew Rhoads, I am an attorney with Smith Anderson Law Firm representing PSNC 7 <br />Energy and I have been sworn. 8 <br />James Bryan: I believe he is correct that any of the testimony has to be said in person. You can accept 9 <br />it but it will have little or no value at all. Perhaps to collaborate something else. It certainly may not be 10 <br />used as support for any key finding so you cannot accept it, you can accept it and give it its due weight 11 <br />which I would recommend is near nil. 12 <br />Larry Wright: I would like to accept it and give its due weight because there are some things that do 13 <br />support or do…well let’s say we have Mr. Joseph Zaragoza and it is sort of …. kind of a companion to 14 <br />what he says so if Board members want to ask questions about Mr. Zaragoza’s in the packet, we can 15 <br />refer to this too. Is that right? 16 <br />James Bryan: Without knowing what you intend specifically, yeah, it is a common practice to go ahead 17 <br />and accept it. 18 <br />Larry Wright: I would like to accept this for the Board’s reference. 19 <br />Michael Harvey: Mr. Chairman, I would also like the Board to take notice, PSNC has provided staff this 20 <br />evening, with documentation of existing easements as well as additional information concerning the 21 <br />permits that they have either been issued or submitted for this particular project. These permits include 22 <br />authorization from the North Carolina Utility Commission, Army Core of Engineers, Section 4 for Wetland 23 <br />Impacts, US Fish and Wildlife response to review this application, North Carolina Division of Water 24 <br />Resources, the North Carolina National Heritage Program, State Historic Preservation Office, North 25 <br />Carolina Department of Transportation, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and permits issued by 26 <br />the Orange County Planning Department regarding the potential flood plain crossings for the proposed 27 <br />gas line. I would like those entered into the record as well. I am afraid I only have the one copy but they 28 <br />can be distributed. I would like those entered into the record. 29 <br />Larry Wright: So these will be referred to specifically. 30 <br />Michael Harvey: Applicant Exhibits 1 and 2. 31 <br />Larry Wright: I am going to put these on the center of the table. 32 <br />Michael Harvey: And Mr. Chairman, without further ado since the hour is getting a little late and we have 33 <br />several people who would like to speak this evening, I would like to summarize staff’s abstract. As you 34 <br />know, we are here reviewing a proposal by PSNC to install a 16 inch gas transmission line from 35 <br />Alamance County along Mebane Oakes Road to an existing regulator station on Old North Carolina 36 <br />Highway 86 within the Town of Carrboro’s planning jurisdiction. It should be noted that county planning 37 <br />staff has had several inquiries from property owners in this given area of Carrboro along Old North 38 <br />Carolina Highway 86 specifically about whether or not those properties are subject to this petition. They 39 <br />are not. There are several groups of properties that while not formally within the corporate limits or within 40 <br />the extra territorial jurisdictional boundary of the Town of Carrboro are subject to the Town of Carrboro’s 41 <br />Land Use Development Regulations per the Orange County/Carrboro/Chapel Hill Joint Planning Land 42 <br />Use Plan. This is what is referred to as transition areas. These groups of properties are actually subject 43