Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 10/13/2014 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 8/27/2014 Page 29 of 64 <br /> <br /> <br />Michael Harvey: Mr. Chairman the next individual signed up is David Laudicina, AS he is not here the 1 <br />next individual is Timothy Ives. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Timothy Ives: Good evening my name is Timothy Ives and I have been duly sworn. I and my wife 4 <br />Courtney Ebbinghouse live at 5502 Bradshaw Quarry Road. We are clearly off that map but if you know 5 <br />anything about that area I am not a lawyer nor am I an engineer but I am a neighbor and take your 6 <br />patience so I will probably misspeak, please try to clarify or ask for clarification if I do and I probably will 7 <br />very quickly. I’ve actually got more questions for you than I do have answers and I’ve got some 8 <br />materials and yes I’ll try to make it as objective a presentation as possible. One of the things that we’ve 9 <br />been looking at is the 1952 agreement and the term right-of-way and easement. They’re really are no 10 <br />dimensions to the 1952 agreement so we really don’t know where any of the areas are. Now the Orange 11 <br />County, whether it’s the planning commission or department or whatever this might be may have this 12 <br />down. We have received, and this is the hard material that we received from one the EMS agents, Jack 13 <br />Cox is his name, it was stated for information only April 14, 2014. We checked the validity of these 14 <br />documents. I don’t know if other have done that and I’m not worried about them but we did and we 15 <br />measured it out with as much precision as possible. The staging areas they purposed went right up to 16 <br />probably the end of this table from our youngest son’s room. These were very poorly done by my 17 <br />estimation and I was wanting to ask you is this a definitive answer. Or what will this commission ask for 18 <br />from the people who keep the actual plots, as to where things are, because we tried to measure even 19 <br />where the pipeline was and I was almost using micron measurements on this. It back when I was in 20 <br />physics but the kind of thing we really have not got a clear picture about what was provided to us. 21 <br /> 22 <br />Larry Wright: What document are you looking at? 23 <br /> 24 <br />Timothy Ives: This was the temporary work space and advance construction damage release document 25 <br />from PSNC. This was the map that came with it and it doesn’t exactly fit very well. So my question is 26 <br />when you make your final determination, what avenues of information are you going to use that come 27 <br />from the County? The reason I mention them is the 1952 agreement talked about people’s properties 28 <br />coming together and here’s where it was going to come there was no designation by latitude longitude 29 <br />there was no pictures that we could see and likewise there was no dimension again of the right-of-way or 30 <br />of the easement. So I am still wondering where’s the information that you’ll use to make that and is it not 31 <br />from the company but will it come from Orange County itself? I’ve heard rumors and that’s all it is but 32 <br />they are still surveying we were told by Curt Hawthorne who is no longer with them he is now back in 33 <br />Michigan he told us but they were going to come back out and resurvey and I said who is it, the County 34 <br />or is it PSNC or its agents? I’d like to know who’s drawing up the lines that you will make the 35 <br />determination on. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Larry Wright: Mr. Harvey when people come to your office with something like this how do you address 38 <br />that? Is it relevant to us? To the County, I’m asking you. 39 <br /> 40 <br />Michael Harvey: I’m going to answer the question in this manner, first of all the County does not have a 41 <br />map delineating the boundary of the Cardinal easement and I would argue it’s not a legal requirement 42 <br />that we produce said map. If there are plats that have been recorded showing it then those plats have 43 <br />been produced based on the easement as it has been recorded. If someone comes to our office looking 44 <br />to develop a parcel of property the county planning department does a GIS database search identifying 45 <br />all easement that have been recorded to ascertain if there are areas of the property that have restrictive 46 <br />development potential but Mr. Chairman if you’re asking me the question are we going to produce a map 47 <br />of any and all pipeline easements running through the County the answer is no. What you have before 48 <br />you, as part of the application, is a drawing prepared by PSNC outlining the location of this easement 49 <br />request and where it’s going to be on the properties impacted by this application. 50 <br /> 51 <br />Timothy Ives: Mr. Chair, may I request that you verify by whatever means that document which is 52 <br />coming from one of the parties in this discussion tonight to verify it. We, and again I use this in a crudest 53 <br />way, we looked at ours and found a lot of different positions where our house was in comparison to what 54 <br />they had planned as staging so I just want to make sure you have clear assessment of what you’re 55