Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 10/13/2014 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 8/27/2014 Page 18 of 64 <br /> <br /> <br />Jeff Schmitt: Is this pipeline as it is constructed, will it go down existing roads or is it going to cut across 1 <br />fields and pastures? 2 <br />Rob Priester: We are within the private easements and it is a cross country route. We can cross many 3 <br />roads. 4 <br />Jeff Schmitt: So when you dig through somebody’s farm that has cattle on it, you will have to do 5 <br />something to keep the cattle in abeyance during the time period when this is done. What would that be, 6 <br />2 weeks, 1 week? You start digging and putting this pipe in, what is the time horizon from when you 7 <br />begin putting this in to when you cover it up and put grass seed on it? 8 <br />Rob Priester: Construction for a project like this is… 9 <br />Jeff Schmitt: Not from beginning to end. Let’s say one quarter of a mile or something like that. I guess 10 <br />you do this in a linear basis. 11 <br />Rob Priester: The construction for a project like this is typically an assembly line fashion where you have 12 <br />crews out front that do your clearing and grading and you lay your pipe out along the route, then you 13 <br />weld it and dig your hole, so it is not one crew moves through and you are done on that particular 14 <br />property. Right now, in talking to our contractors, we are proposing a couple of month’s window or they 15 <br />are proposing a couple of month’s window to complete this project. 16 <br />Jeff Schmitt: The entire project. 17 <br />Rob Priester: The entire 16 miles. Depending on what they run into and what they have to work around 18 <br />with the effective land owners, it may impact some more than others. 19 <br />Larry Wright: May I ask a question, then Mr. Schmitt can continue. So you put a 10 inch pipe, then you 20 <br />put a 16 inch pipe so how much easement do you need to expand? Any? Is it all within the same 21 <br />easement? 22 <br />Rob Priester: It is within the same easement. 23 <br />Larry Wright: So you are not increasing the easement? 24 <br />Rob Priester: Right. 25 <br />Larry Wright: Can I ask another question? So you have the pipe at various levels, some are four feet, 26 <br />some are 30 inches, whatever and I am a property owner and I want to put a fence so what do I do, I 27 <br />don’t know how deep it is. 28 <br />Rob Priester: We work with landowners all the time with fencing and other issues … 29 <br />Larry Wright: Who do I call, do you have a fencing….I mean I would not know who to call. 30 <br />Rob Priester: You would call NC811 for a utility locate and they would notify us of your intention and we 31 <br />would contact you regarding… 32 <br />Matt Rhoads: That is state law, you are required to do that before you do any digging. 33 <br />Larry Wright: So it is just like the power. 34 <br />Matt Rhoads: Exactly. When you call 811, they call the power company, the gas company, etc. 35 <br />Larry Wright: How responsive are you? 36