Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 10/13/2014 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 8/27/2014 Page 10 of 64 <br /> <br /> <br />Rob Priester: We feel like that is the least impactful route because there is already an existing right of 1 <br />way in the area to lay it adjacent to the existing pipeline. It requires us to take less space for working 2 <br />room, less space for permitted maintenance and it is also not exactly a straight line but it is a pretty 3 <br />straight line from where our source is received to where the supply is needed at the end. 4 <br />Matt Rhoads: And you are able to use the existing right of way? 5 <br />Rob Priester: By enlarge, yes. 6 <br />Matt Rhoads: Without having to apply a new right of way or affecting new property owners? 7 <br />Rob Priester: Yes. 8 <br />Matt Rhoads: Does this also help reduce the impact on the property values because you are already 9 <br />going along the route that already has pipelines that would have affected property values? 10 <br />Rob Priester: We feel like it does because you are already in an existing corridor. 11 <br />Matt Rhoads: Do you believe that following the existing right of way helps make this more harmonious 12 <br />with the existing conditions in the County? 13 <br />Rob Priester: We do because we feel like it is not really changing the land use, like I said, there has 14 <br />already been a pipeline in this location by enlarge since 1952 and so by installing this pipeline within 10 15 <br />feet we are installing it as closely as possible we can to meet those requirements. 16 <br />Matt Rhoads: And the majority of the facilities are underground, is that correct? 17 <br />Rob Priester: Yes. We have valve spacing which will be in the Nicks Road area right as we come into 18 <br />the, really right as we come in to Orange County and then we have a station downstream of the project 19 <br />but everything else is below ground other than the required markers that are required by our code and 20 <br />things of that nature. 21 <br />Matt Rhoads: And does the project comply with the Comprehensive Plan and other development 22 <br />ordinances of the County? 23 <br />Rob Priester: Yes. 24 <br />Matt Rhoads: And it is your understanding that the staff also agrees and that it is in compliance with 25 <br />those? 26 <br />Rob Priester: Yes. That is my understanding. 27 <br />Matt Rhoads: How will PSNC access the pipeline? 28 <br />Rob Priester: Once construction is completed, we will continue to access it the same way the 10 inch 29 <br />pipeline is accessed now. 30 <br />Matt Rhoads: So there will not be any additional impact from access? 31 <br />Rob Priester: We have a few where there are restrictions within the existing easements we are trying to 32 <br />work through with those affected landowners but those are few and far between. 33 <br />Matt Rhoads: And will there be any increase in the volume, the frequency of access? 34 <br />Rob Priester: We will have the same maintenance activity that go along with the 10 inch pipeline as with 35 <br />the new 16. 36