Orange County NC Website
iC <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Kathleen Herr <br />Other Comments: <br />Several yeas ago, my husband and I began to navigate the process of finding safe and <br />appropriate care for ane of our children, who was developing severe and persistent <br />mental illness. During that process, it became clear that, at times, both the local and <br />state level mental health systems struggled to ensure that appropriate care was available <br />far those in the target population. As we advocated for our child, my husband and I <br />began to work with OPC and Division staff to provide input and feedback to them <br />regarding the strenghts and gaps of their current policies and practices, as well as those <br />being developed. Up to now, the primary focus of my work has been at the division level, <br />and in the process, I have learned about and worked on a variety of issues impacting the <br />broader MH/DD/SA community. If chosen to be a member of the OPC Area Programs <br />Board and I will look forward to the opportunity to work with OPC more directly on local <br />issues.. Note: According to the Conflict of Interest adopted by the SCFAC, it may not be <br />possible for me to serve simultaneously on bath the OPC Area Boad and the SCFAC. If <br />chosen to be a member of the OPG Area Board, I will resign from the SCFAC. STAFF <br />COMMENTS: Originally applied for OPC Area Programs Board. ADDRESS <br />VERIFICATION: 1704 Ferrell Rd is in Chapel Hill City Limits in Orange County. <br />This application was current on: 11/16/2005 Date Printed: 12/7/2005 <br />