Orange County NC Website
Approved 8/11/2014 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 4/22/2014 Page 5 of 69 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6: A-1-14 – CLASS B SPECIAL USE PERMIT – TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY 1 <br /> 2 <br />In accordance with Section(s) 2.7 Special Uses, 5.2.2 Table of Permitted Uses, 5.3.2 Application of Use Standards – 3 <br />Special Uses, and 5.10 Standards for Telecommunication Facilities of the UDO American Tower and AT and T 4 <br />Mobility have submitted a Class B Special Use Permit application seeking a permit to erect a 199 foot 5 <br />telecommunication tower on a 55 acre parcel of property at 5309 Carr Store Road within the Cedar Grove Township 6 <br />of the County, further identified utilizing Orange County Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 9839-55-8588, which is 7 <br />owned by the Kirby family. 8 <br />The property in question is zoned Agricultural Residential (AR) and Back Creek Protected Watershed Protection 9 <br />Overlay District. The proposed use is permitted on the property subject to the issuance of a Class B Special Use 10 <br />Permit. The property is currently utilized as a farm. 11 <br />As detailed within the application, the applicant wishes to erect a telecommunication tower within a 100 foot by 100 12 <br />foot leased area on the aforementioned parcel. There will be an equipment cabinet at the base of the tower to 13 <br />house equipment for the various communication providers utilizing the tower within a 60 foot by 60 foot fenced 14 <br />compound. 15 <br /> 16 <br />Access to the proposed facility shall be through an existing driveway with direct access to Carr Store Road. 17 <br /> 18 <br /> 19 <br />The following individuals were sworn in: 20 <br />Karen Kemerait 21 <br />Joey Kirby 22 <br />David Smith 23 <br />David R. Vetter 24 <br />Rusty Monroe 25 <br />Larry Gunn 26 <br /> 27 <br /> 28 <br />Karen Kemerait: I am with the law firm of Styers and Kemerait in Raleigh. Thank you for having me. We have an 29 <br />extensive application binder that was submitted and introduced into the record. I don’t think it would be a good use 30 <br />of time for me to go through all the materials since Mr. Harvey has gone through much of the information. Also, I 31 <br />don’t believe there is any concern or opposition to this tower and I think there is support for seeing coverage in this 32 <br />area. In previous hearings I had come and spoken to the Board of Adjustment, I mentioned that AT&T had made a 33 <br />commitment to invest in some of the more rural areas of the county where there is an absence of coverage and this 34 <br />application and site is one of those areas. I did want to point out that Joey Kirby, who is here tonight is the property 35 <br />owner, he has been sworn in and will answer any questions. This is a very good site, the property is used for 36 <br />agricultural purposes, it is 55 acres, and the parcel more than meets the setback requirements. The proposed tower, 37 <br />the 199 foot tower, will be located 787 feet from Carr Store Road and 590 feet from the nearest property line. I did 38 <br />want to point out what has already been included in tab 17 of the application binder, this is one of the Propagation 39 <br />studies that shows this is the tower site, it shows the coverage currently available and north of this site, there is not 40 <br />another AT&T tower or location for 10 miles north of this site so north of this area is an area where AT&T and other 41 <br />carriers are really going to need to vest in the county to improve coverage. This is the coverage that is currently 42 <br />available. The second propagation study shows the coverage that will be available once this tower has been 43 <br />constructed. As I mentioned, there will still be areas, especially north of this site, where there will still not be 44 <br />coverage but at least this is a beginning step in the right direction for improving the coverage. 45 <br /> 46 <br />Jeff Schmitt: Is this the coverage from just AT&T or all carriers? 47 <br /> 48