BOA minutes 110915
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA minutes 110915
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3/7/2018 10:25:07 AM
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BOA agenda 110915
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Approved 1/11/2016 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/9/15 Page 9 of 48 <br /> <br />Tim Smith: That’s correct. That’s the concern, yes. 1 <br /> 2 David Rooks: And what can be done to prevent left turning traffic from illuminating their house at 11 o’clock at night? 3 <br /> 4 Tim Smith: Well, that’s what we want to look at. We’re still open to possibly moving this further down to this side possibly, where 5 <br />left turning traffic would not be…….I don’t think so, it’s a concern and there is some wiggle that needs to be done to mitigate what 6 <br />would best solve that concern. 7 <br /> 8 <br />David Rooks: And your plan shows while it’s soon to be a service entrance or a second access way from the rear. 9 <br /> 10 Tim Smith: Yes, off Millikan. 11 <br /> 12 David Rooks: Off Millikan. Would you locate for the Board where that entrance is? 13 <br /> 14 Tim Smith: Yes, that entrance is right about here. 15 <br /> 16 David Rooks: And I’m correct that there are, I think I see, four houses right there? Three houses right together? 17 <br /> 18 Tim Smith: Well there’s three off of… yes. 19 <br /> 20 David Rooks: And what, if anything, you find you can do to protect those houses from illumination from traffic departing at night? 21 <br /> 22 <br />Tim Smith: Well the service entrance is going to be very sparsely used. During events there could be a little more ….. Now, that 23 <br />being said, we are still open to working solutions to minimize that as well. The service entrance is not absolutely required, I mean 24 <br />needed, we provided it as a second access to the property for safety reasons, for ingress and egress. And you know, during the 25 <br />majority of the time at all that service entrance will just simply not be used. 26 <br /> 27 David Rooks Thank you Tim, that’s all I have. 28 <br /> 29 Sharron Linn: Tim, I have a few questions. Can you explain to us to how any noise coming from the barn itself can be mitigated? 30 <br /> 31 Tim Smith: Yes, that’s been a discussion also. It’s actually one of the emissions as Kara has offered on the application. So there 32 <br />will be no amplified outdoor music except for wedding ceremonies and no amplified outdoor music at all after 8 PM. Obviously, if 33 <br />there’s weddings here there’s going to be music for after the wedding. All that type of music will be inside the facility, there’ll be no 34 <br />outdoor music following a wedding, as far as a reception. So the containment of the music itself will be inside the structure itself. 35 <br />And the outdoor music, what Kara’s trying to convey here is that it will be very limited during a service. You know, a service is not 36 <br />a rock and roll concert. She’s trying to impose that on herself because she’s concerned about your concerns from noise from 37 <br />music. 38 <br /> 39 Sharron Linn: And how will the barn affect any traffic patterns in the neighborhood. 40 <br /> 41 David Rooks: I’m going to object; I don’t think this witness has come to testify as to traffic matters. 42 <br /> 43 Karen Barrows: Do you agree James? 44 <br /> 45 David Rooks: I think he’s a licensed engineer and surveyor, I’m not sure he has established any expertise with respective matters 46 <br />of traffic. 47 <br /> 48 James Bryan: Let me walk the Board through this in just a minute, but see if the applicant’s attorney wants to address that at all. 49 <br />What was your other question? 50 <br /> 51 Sharron Linn: We can withdraw it, that’s fine. Ok, well, one more question for you Tim. In your opinion what will be the overall 52 <br />impact of building this barn on Kara’s property. 53
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