BOA minutes 110915
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA minutes 110915
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BOA agenda 110915
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Approved 1/11/2016 <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/9/15 Page 4 of 48 <br /> <br />Patrick Mallett: The Board would like to turn… 1 <br /> 2 Karen Barrows: Excuse me, is it possible for someone else… 3 <br /> 4 Michael Harvey: You can move up to the wall, but obviously and I apologize for the cramped quarters but this is what we have to 5 <br />work with. 6 <br /> 7 Patrick Mallett: Ok so as Mr. Harvey mentioned my name is Pat Mallett, I’m a Planner II with current planning and have been the 8 <br />primary staff person working on this case. As Michael mentioned, there’s a large abstract that has been entered into the record. 9 <br /> 10 Michael Harvey: Pat, I’m sorry, have you been sworn? 11 <br /> 12 Patrick Mallett: I have been duly sworn. 13 <br /> 14 Michael Harvey: Thank you. 15 <br /> 16 Patrick Mallett: Thank you for the reminder. This is the fairly standard format that we use for SUP. It includes site analysis, 17 <br />information about the property, the application as provided by the applicants, notification materials for both the neighborhood 18 <br />information meetings that is now required with SUP’s of all types, the staff comments from all departments and the findings of facts 19 <br />required for the SUP detailed within the UDO. And then there are various attachments, most important obviously is probably the 20 <br />site plan. And I’m just going to walk you through this, and then I believe both sides of the aisle have some presentation materials 21 <br />that they want. And I’ll, of course, answer any questions that you have. 22 <br /> 23 <br />So this is the site plan that was submitted, this version was updated with some additional clarifications and additional documents 24 <br />on October the 21st. It covers all of the site requirements that staff and UDO requires. First sheet is obviously the cover sheet. The 25 <br />second sheet shows the conditions of the property. It shows large significant trees, suitable soils, frontage along Morrow Mill and 26 <br />Millikan Road. It’s a 21.9 plus acre site plus or minus .2 acres. Largely wooded, by the way. This is the overall site plan with a blow 27 <br />up detail of the entry points along the public streets. The proposal is for a barn facility or barn like structure to be constructed that 28 <br />would support, theoretically, up to 250 person retreat facility. Total allowable occupancy will be dependent on some building code 29 <br />and occupancy issues that may drive that number up or down, but basically they’re committing to no more than 250 people. They 30 <br />have enough parking spaces, off street parking spaces here to support that number. There will be ADA accessibility for the site. A 31 <br />solid waste feature (dumpster) and then a service drive here. This driveway here is the drive that I believe in intended to be open 32 <br />to public. This would be a service entrance for staff. 33 <br /> 34 <br />This is an enlarged copy of the barn, the parking, how the ADA the handicap parking works and solid waste collection area. 35 <br /> 36 <br />This is an illustrative showing the landscape plan and how it complies with the landscape requirements around the parking areas. 37 <br />This is a blow up that shows both the lighting and how the lighting diminishes once it leaves the parking area of the barn. These 38 <br />circles, these outer circles I believe represent 0.5 food-candle limit consistent with the ordinance. This blow up which was one of 39 <br />the revisions that they made with our last submission, illustrates the buffers that are required as well as the building setbacks 40 <br />required by ordinance for the structure. Those revisions, by the way, did not change the size, location or nature of what was going 41 <br />on in here with the original submittal. These are detail sheets, they’re fairly standard. They cover all of the technical minutia per se. 42 <br />Same thing here, these details cover erosion controls and stormwater features for the project. 43 <br /> 44 <br />This is a graphic illustrating the barn. The side, front and side view, obviously. Another view, side and front of the barn. This is 45 <br />what they call a cross section. It’s too scale, this shows as you’re looking at the site and its features married with existing and 46 <br />saved vegetation and then the barn as it relates to the property and the property lines. Same thing, different cross-section, barn 47 <br />facility side view here. I would note that the typographic changes on this property are pretty slight. There’s not much fall occurring 48 <br />across the property. You can see that as evidenced in the cross section. This is a black line version, I believe the applicant’s got a 49 <br />color version of this and there’s a graphic propped up against the wall over there. But this is what is typically referred to as a 50 <br />rendering. It’s the same site plan, they just take out all the details and cover it up so it’s more understandable. This is the graphic 51 <br />to fix the proposed barn structure to the closest adjacent structures. I believe that is the last element. We’re just going to go over to 52 <br />the layout sheet for the rest. And as I said there are other attachments in here that pertains to processing the case but I think with 53 <br />that I’m willing to answer any questions or go through any of the specifics of the abstract materials and then turn it over to the 54
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